الثلاثاء، 11 يناير 2011

شركة يونيون إير للتكيفات تطلب

Call Center Agents


- مؤهل جامعى
- إجادة اللغة الانجليزية
- إجادة برامج الاوفيس
- يفضل أن يكون من قاطنى 6 اكتوبر

يتم ارسال السيرة الذاتية مصحوبة بصورة حديثة بحد اقصى 21 يناير إلى
او فاكس : 38300426 - 38300427
يجب ذكر كود الوظيفة فى عنوان الايميل


Computer Shop is seeking

Help Desk Engineers


- Extensive Knowledge about A+ or any equivalent

- Very Good English


Send your CV with a recent photo to



ثالثاً: شركة صناعية كبرى تطلب لفروع الصعيد بمرتبات وحوافز 2000 جنيه فاكثر

مندوبو مبيعات


- مؤهل جامعى

- السن لا يزيد عن 30 سنة


فرع بنى سويف: 0822352116 فرع المنيا: 0862335380
فرع اسيوط: 0882309333 فرع سوهاج: 0932317266
فرع قنا: 0965333800 فرع الاقصر والبحر الاحمر: 0952280887


خامساً: شركة كبرى بالاسكندرية تطلب للتعيين

محاسبين حديثى التخرج أو خبرة
سكرتيرة تنفيذية
مسئولة استيراد


ترسل الطلبات فى موعد غايته 14 يناير مع صورة شخصية حديثة إلى ايميل
او فاكس
أو تليفون
company: خاصة لجروب وظائف الأسكندرية
التحق معنا فى شركة من كبرى شركات التوزيع فى مصر والشرق الاوسط
تطلب مندوبى مبيعات شباب حديثى التخرج او خبر ة يشترط مؤهل عالى والسن لايزيد عن 27 سنة
يتمتع كل الملتحقين بفرص كبرى للترقى السريع فى قسم المبيعات
مرتبات مجزية بالاضافة الى العمولة
تامين صحى وتامين اجتماعى
مقر الشركة فى سموحة الاسكندرية
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل وكتابة اسم الوظيفة فى عنوان الايميل
Mobile : 0165527365
Phone : 03 4294187
company: مميزة جدا جدا خاص لجروب وظائف الأسكندرية
فرصة عمل بالخارج والداخل
* مشرف عمال خبرة لا تقل عن 10 سنوات فى مصانع غاز الاكسجين و النيتروجين للعمل بالسعوديه
* مندوبين مبيعات خبرة فى مبيعات الاخشاب.
نرجو تحديد مكان السكن والوظيفه في عنوان الميل
لمن يريد التوظيف نرجو إتمام النموذج هذا وإرساله إلي الإيميل
ولا يتم إرسال سيرة ذاتية
للعمل بالاسكندرية مديري فرق مبيعات
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط
-خبرة في مجال ادارة الفرق
-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية
-يعمل علي تطوير وتثقيف نفسه
طبيعة العمل:
-تكوين فريق من 10افراد مسؤولي المبيعات
-تدريب الفريق
-مساعدة اعضاء الفريق في سوق العمل للوصول لاهداف الشركة
-مراقبة سير عمل الفريق وتقديم التقارير المطلوبة
الدخل من2000الي 6000
send c.v at
للعمل بالاسكندرية مسؤولي تامين
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط
-خبرة في مجال المبيعات او التسويق اوالعمل مع الجمهور
-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-طموح ويجيد وضع الاهداف وتحقيقها
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية
طبيعة العمل:
-تسويق برامج التامين وتحقيق الهدف الشهري المطلوب
-خلق اسواق جديدة
-الحفاظ علي عملاء الشركة وتقديم خدمة ما بعد البيع
الدخل يتراوح بين 1000الي4000
موظف عمليات خبرة فى التعامل مع السفن وخدمات السفن والتوريدات جيد جدا فى اللغة
جيد فى التعامل مع الاجانب جيد فى الحاسب
موظفين ملاحة وعمليات من السويس وبورسعيد والاسكندرية
company: في الغردقة
مطلوب عاملى مخازن بالغردقة - مرتب مجزى/الإقامة مجانا/الوجبات مجانا / العمل 3 اسابيع واسبوع اجازة مدفوعة الاجر/ اتوبيس الرحلات مجانا
مؤهل تعليمى متوسط
مطلوب لمجموعه شركات صناعيه و تجاريه كبري
مراجعيين داخليين
- خريجي تجاره من دفعه 2006 و ماقبلها
- يسترط خبره لا تقل عن 3 سنوات ويفضل الخبره بمكاتب المحاسبه و الشركات الصناعيه
company:من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
IT Sales Executive- Males Or Females
a reputable IT company
Needed the following position
Implement sales plan received by Sales Manager.
Execute business opportunities within sectors.
Follow up with customer needs.
Contact Costumer for taking appointment.
Prepare All Document and proposals to close the contract.
Set the Billing and follow up with Finance Department.
Achieving the sales Target Set by Sales Manager.
Follow up on sales activities. Ensure weekly report evaluation & statistics preparation. Prepare and entered All Sales Activity with The CRM. Maintain the relationship with costumer.
Find new leads in his sector
Job description
- 1-2 yrs exp in the It sales field
- Excellent communication and negotiation
- Good english command
- Marketing studies is an advantage
خبرة، يفضل خريجى سياحة وفنادق ، مظهر عام جيد ، لبق
مرتب مجزى، تبس كل سبوعين، نسبة مقابل خدمة
Junior System Analyst (Alexandria)

a reputable IT company
needed the following position
Actively participate in the Design,
Testing and Implementation phases of the Project-Ability to write Function Specifications,
gathers requirements then write up the technical specifications Designing and implementing software using the Rational Unified Process methodology Define user requirements,
design prototype reports. Analyzing test scenarios Managing change requirements to existing applications
Job qualifications :
-( Fresh MIS graduates (Females only
- 0-2 yrs exp in the same field
all applicants must be Alexandria Residents , Any other Applicants will not considered
company: فرصة عمل من المنزل
هاااام مطلوب مشرفات ومعبئي بيانات لمنتدي
علي من يجد في نفسه الخبرة والكفاءه الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتيه وسابقه الاعمال في منتديات
company: من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
مطلوب مدير تسويق لشركة دعاية واعلان بالرياض
اولاـ شهادة جامعية في التسويق او ماجستير في ادارة الاعمال
ثانياـ خبرة في مجال العمل لا تقل عن 3سنوات في مجال الدعاية والاعلان
ثالثاـ ملم بأعمال الدعاية والاعلان وهي اللوحات الاعلانية ـ المطبوعات والاستاندات ـ المعارض المتنقلة
رابعاـ يجيد اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا وكتابة
خامساـ يتحمل ضغط العمل (مهم جدا
سادساـ حسن المظهر
سابعاـ العمر أقل من 30سنة
مطلوب موظفه سياحه للعمل بشركه خدمات سياحيه بالاسكندريه
يفضل قرب السكن من ميامى
مطلوب شاب للقيام بأعمال النظافة ومندوب لمأموريات الشركة والعمل من 9 الي 5 وحاصل علي دبلوم متوسط للعمل بمرتب 400 جنية + مصاريف المأموريات في اسرع وقت يشترط التفرغ
company: فرصة عمل بالخارج
مهندسين قسمين مدنى و عمارة خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين و تحديد الراتب حسب المقابلة

و ا خصائى جلدية و تناسلية ماجيستير و خبرة عامين

واخصائية نساء و توليد ماجيستير و خبرة عامين

سكن عائلى و تذاكر طيران مدفوعة
مطلوب علي وجهة السرعة لمجموعة مطاعم عائمة الوظائف التالية :
عدد5 شيف استيوارد الراتب ( 1200 ) - عدد 4 استيوارد الراتب (600)
- عدد7 هاوس كيبنج الراتب (600)
- عدد 5 موظفي مبيعات خبرة في المطاعم العائمة الراتب (850 +العمولة )
- عدد 15 ويتر الراتب (650 + العمولة ) - عدد 5 كافيتريا الراتب (600 + العمولة )
...يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بصورة شخصية علي hr.careers@windowslive.com و يجب كتابة كود الوظيفة 060 ومسمي الوظيفة داخل السيرة الذاتية وفي الموضوع
Senior Processing Geophysicist (Ref: TECH01)

Guide Geoscience Technologies (GGT) specializes in 2D and 3D, land and marine seismic data processing and integrated high-end geophysical technologies. The company has unique seismic expertise and applies state-of-the-art solutions to different geophysical problems.

Work in a 2D/3D project team
Performing all aspects of processing

About 5 years processing experience
A minimum of a B.Sc or equivalent in Geophysics / Geology
Enjoys working in a team environment but can work independently
Strong organizational and communication skills

Cairo, Egypt

If you are qualified and interested please send your CV to job@guidegeoscience.com

Junior Processing Geophysicist (Ref: TECH02)

Guide Geoscience Technologies (GGT) specializes in 2D and 3D, land and marine seismic data processing and integrated high-end geophysical technologies. The company has unique seismic expertise and applies state-of-the-art solutions to different geophysical problems.

Work in a 2D/3D project team
Performing all aspects of processing

A minimum of a B.Sc or equivalent in Geophysics / Geology
Enjoys working in a team environment but can work independently
Strong organizational and communication skills

Cairo, Egypt
If you are qualified and interested please send your CV to job@guidegeoscience.com
Junior IT Engineer (Ref: TECH03)

GGT is expanding its business. Hence there is an opening for a Junior IT Engineer. We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled individual to join our successful team in a full-time position. Salary and benefits will be competitive.

Job Description:

The Junior IT Engineer will be responsible for assigning user disk allocation and computer nodes (Linux cluster & UNIX workstations environment) for distribution on projects according to priority and deadlines. Other responsibilities include: monitoring disk and computer usage, gathering statistics, enforcing disk and computer policies, running benchmark tests, troubleshooting and verifying jobs are running efficiently.

Job Requirements:

Bachelor’s degree or higher in math, engineering, computer science or related degree.

0 - 2 years minimum experience processing seismic data processing or working in IT for a seismic processing or oil company.

Experience with UNIX and Linux based software packages and workstations.

Enjoys working in a team environment but can work independently.

Excellent problem solving and multi-tasking skills.

Must be able to effectively interact with processing, R & D and IT personnel.

Desired Qualifications:

Ability to work with little supervision.

Motivated to do whatever is necessary to meet deadlines.

Strong decision making and communication skills.

Proficient in the use of MS Office.


Cairo, Egypt

If you are qualified and interested please send your CV to job@guidegeoscience.com
Employer IML / Adrenaline
Job Title Account Executive
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description •Managing day-to-day operational aspects of the projects. • Identifying and resolving client concerns. •developing close relations with clients to meet their needs• Create and execute project work plans. •Sending all daily and weekly presentations and reports. •Handling client correspondence, invoices, and other project details. •
Qualifications •Excellent command of English language. •Excellent communication, leadership and managerial skills. •Excellent computer skills.
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) 1500 - 2500
Job Contact Person Tamer Michel
Job Contact Email hr@iml-adrenaline.com
Employer DHL
Job Title Field Sales Executive
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description The job holder is responsible for the revenue generated from a geographically assigned sales territory (or business portfolio), by servicing and retaining existing customers and targeting at new business opportunities.
Qualifications 1-3 years of experience in related field preferably in a Multi-national environment. Excellent selling and negotiation skills. Fluency in the English Language. Excellent Presentation & communications Skills. Ability to handle stress in a competitive commercial environment. Valid driving license. Owns a car.
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments For more information and to fill out an application, please visit: www.dhlegypt.com
Job Contact Person Hend Amer
Job Contact Email www.dhlegypt.com
Employer EITS
Job Title Secretary
Languages Very good Command of English and Arabic.
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Acts as Secretary to the whole company. receiving phone calls and welcome guests. arranging meetings and taking minutes of meetings.
Qualifications Presentable, very good communication skills, very good user of word and excel. Ability to grow in the company. Ability to deal with all levels.
Gender Female
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills Very good user of MS Office
Salary (L.E.) 1500 - 2500
Job Contact Person Mrs. Dina Kandil
Job Contact Email hr@eitsemotions.net
Employer Orient International for trading / Land Mark group
Job Title Customer Service Agents (Indoor)
Languages English up to very good. Arabic is a MUST.
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description •Maintain excellent customer service standards •Answer all the customers telephone queries •Make calls to customers to inform them about special promotions or offers •Maintain database of customers to initiate cross selling activities •Handle customer complaints, warranty issues, after sales service etc. •Coordinate with suppliers for getting the product repaired or replaced in the least possible time •Ensure housekeeping standards of the customer service counter as per company’s standards •Ensure leaflets, tags, CRM forms etc. are in sufficient numbers •Proactively promote all value services available at the Store level •Print and replace price tags, feature cards etc. for all displayed products. •Process orders for delivery and installation to customer premises and follow up with the logistics department for executing the job in time.
Qualifications Knowledge of customer behaviour patterns •Knowledge of store products •Customer service orientation •Proactive •Flexibility • High Communication skills
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly write (Customer Service Agent) in the Email Subject.
Job Contact Email hr.lmgeg@yahoo.com
Employer UHDE Engineering Egypt
Job Title Junior Project Planner
Languages perfect English language,German is an asset
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description preparation of time schedule and updates using primavera,implementation of resources on target schedule,preparation of monthly report,preparation of weekly comparison between actual planned works.
Qualifications Bsc in Engineering (Civil-Mechanical)
Gender Male
Education major Engineering
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills good knowledge of Ms office and Primavera
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments please mention the title in the subject
Job Contact Email cv.hr@thyssenkrupp.com
Job Title Personnel Specialist
Languages Very good command of written and spoken English.
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Administrates payroll (time-keeping), benefits processing, and attendance and performance review tracking. Dealing with labour offices and insurance authorities. Handle termination process: secure resignation letters (when possible), conduct exit interviews. Handle recruitment process: prepare and post internal and external job announcements, take and review employment applications, organize applicant testing and interpret scores, set-up interviews, prepare offer letters, arrange pre-employment forensic screening, check references (professional and criminal background), coordinate new hire orientation, and maintain job files on job openings.
Qualifications Bachelors degree of in any discipline. > > · From 2-4 years of experience in personnel administration. > > · Good knowledge of labor& insurance law, payroll cycle and hiring > procedures. > > · Good written and spoken English. > > · Excellent communication skills.
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Compensations Social and medical insurance
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Interested candidates should send their CVs on the below mail mentioning the job title in the subject, mails without title will be totally discarded.
Job Contact Email cv@divine-worx.com
Job Title Procurement Engineer
Languages Fluent in English
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description -All internal communications and/or negotiations regarding the proposals technical evaluations Commercial comparisons between technically accepted proposals Negotiate prices, deliveries and payment terms which maximize the company benefits. -Apply the purchasing cycle according to both company policies and department policy. -Source optimum vendors/suppliers for all stock required items. -Regular sourcing for alternative suppliers and local resources. -Follow up to maintain on time deliveries and payment.
Qualifications BA Business Administration or Mechanical Engineering, 0-2 Experience in procurement
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills Self Motivated - can work under pressure - analytical - creative
Compensations Transportation, Medical care and life insurance
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please Mention job title in the subject line otherwise your resume will be disregarded
Job Contact Person Rasha Masoud
Job Contact Email rmasoud@aresco.com.eg
Employer Arabian Construction Company (ACC)
Job Title Document Controller
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description 1.Control the document and data control activities / movements by establishing, implementing, maintaining and updating the documented procedure with strict adherence to: Company requirements Client’s requirements If necessary ISO-9000 standard requirements 2.Documents movements can be described as follows: Receiving Issuing Distribution Filing Retrieving Archiving 3.Define a document filing system to enable rapid access of all company documents. 4.Establish and Maintain a Centralized System for the control of company correspondence. 5.Standardize the drawing numbering system and coordinate the same with Engineering Department and Sub-Contractors. 6.Maintain up to date Database Register showing document details and revision status. 7.Establish a Distribution Matrix for allocating controlled copies of documents as necessary to Company staff or Organizations (Client, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers, etc.) 8.Logging of all Correspondence, Drawings, Procedures, Standards, Specifications, Vendor Drawings, Purchase Orders, Data Sheets, Manuals, etc. and generate internal transmittal for internal circulation of the same. 9.Co-ordination and control of Engineering Documentation, QC Documentation (Inspection Records), Suppliers Documentation, Subcontractors Documentation with Client/Contractor as well as internal review approval of Subcontractors documentation.
Qualifications College, technical courses, 2+ year degree preferred plus 5+ years related document control work experience or equivalent education and work experience Ability to use appropriate software applications to generate metrics, such as graphing tools. Familiar with Quality System requirements. Understand proper English syntax. Excellent people, verbal, and communication skills
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Compensations Very competitive salary plus medical scheme, social security coverage & cell phone allowance.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please specify the position & Ref# on the subject line of e-mail
Job Contact Email estimatoracc@gmail.com
Employer Americana Group
Job Title Executive Secretary
Languages Excellent English
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description 1. Meet the manager’s requests, needs, type and circulate them to the different departments to be implemented. Follow up the implementation process and then report to the manager. 2. Organize and distribute internal / external mail and correspondence and to the different departments. 3. Prepares meetings, type and circulate the agenda. 4. Prepare meetings’ lists that include stationers, refreshments, etc. 5. Screen manager’s calls schedule and follow up his appointments. 6. Responsible for continuous supply of stationary for the office. Maintain the office general image, maintenance, and cleanliness. 7. Screen daily newspapers and submit a daily summary of the most important news. 8. Perform other duties - outside his span of responsibilities - if required by the manager.
Qualifications 1. B.A or B.Sc. from a recognized university. 2. At least 1 year of experience as a secretary in an industrial company. 3. Excellent command of the English language. 4. Excellent computer skills. 5. Good Communication skills. 6. Ability to analyze and develop plans that achieve objectives.
Gender Female
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Reporting to the Chief Marketing officer Marketing background is highly preferable
Job Contact Person Sally Hosny
Job Contact Email shosny@americana-group.com
Employer IT Valley
Job Title AIX System Engineer
Languages Proficiency in Arabic, English and French language (speaking, reading and writing)
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description - The Installation, configuration, upgrade, administration, monitoring and maintenance of operating systems in support of operational system(s) and/or development environment. - The systematic management of documentation, software, hardware and firmware IS assets. - Documents the analysis, implementation, review and test of proposed changes to structures, linking them to defects and problems reported where applicable.
Qualifications - Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Engineering. - IBM AIX - Broad range of telecommunications, network, and desktop knowledge is desired * Understanding of distributed systems architecture and general knowledge of multiple technical disciplines including PC workstations (configuration and connectivity), network file servers, applicable software, and troubleshooting techniques.
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Eman Ahmed
Job Contact Email eman.ahmed@itvalley.com.eg
Employer Sprea Misr
Job Title Chemist
Country Egypt
Job Category Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
Job Type Full Time
Description -Collect samples and Perform testing procedures on raw material and finished product.
Qualifications Bachelor of Science: (Chemistry),Good command of both written and spoken English - Computer skills is a must - Good communication
Gender Male
Education major chemistry
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Less than 1500
Job Contact Person Marwa El Meligy
Job Contact Email hr@spreamisr.com
Job Title Financial Analyst
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Financial Analyst: Reports to Chief Financial Officer Key Responsibilities: • Performs specific tasks related to rate development, including identifying cost centers and their related expenses, and calculating recovery rates (e.g., recharge, indirect cost); prepares related reports. • Provides technical assistance in the design of cost accounting or reporting systems and related forms and documents. • Performs specialized financial or cost analyses prepares related reports • Assists in reviews of financial and internal controls to determine whether such controls are adequate to meet management objectives and ensure the safeguarding of assets; recommends and implements security and system control procedures. • Performs specific tasks related to reviews of management practices and policies; recommends changes to enhance operating efficiencies.
Qualifications Bachelors Degree with a major in Accounting, Finance or related area (or a Bachelors degree with advanced accounting coursework) AND two years of auditing, cost accounting and/or financial analysis experience.
Gender Any
Education major Accounting/ English
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills • Knowledge of cost and financial accounting principles, practices and procedures. • Knowledge of principles and techniques used in conducting management studies, system analyses and financial analyses. • Skill in performing complex numerical calculations. • Skill in preparing complex management reports on a timely basis. • Skill in the use of personal computers and related financial and statistical software products. • Skill in both verbal and written communication.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Dina Salah
Job Contact Email jobshospitalities@gmail.com
Here You Are A New Opportunity For Those Interested In Working As Sales Men.


A well know automotive agency is seeking sales men to be hired from the new year.

-Recently Graduated

-Very Good English & Computer Skills

-Very Good Convincing & Negotiation Skills

-Decent Presenter

-Respectful Appearance

-Willing to learn the whole sales cycle from A-Z & get promoted.

-Have no experience about the Egyptian Automotive Market (Recommended)

-Male (Recommended)

Note: (it's better if the candidate lives in Nasr City, Helioplis, Sheraton,...etc.)

If You Are Interested In This Vacancy Kindly Send Your C.V to :


Thank You.
فقط لمن يحب العمل فى مجال الكول سنتر وخدمه العملاء والتلى سيلز اتصل على الرقم
0141361266باسرع مايمكن فقط ستقول انك من مرسل من استاذ / احمد سمير وربنا يوفق الجميع فى الانتر فيو ان شاء الله (المقابله هتكون فى شركه وصله فودافون ).اتصل بسرعه
محاضرة مجانية لمديرى الموارد البشرية ومديرى الشركات ومديرى التدريب فى الشركات مع الدكتور والخبير العالمى الدكتور ابراهيم الفقى
محاضرة بعنوان التوازن بين ضغوط العمل والحياة الشخصية
المكان : فندق الماسة ش عبد العزيز الشنوانى بجانب المنصة طريق النصر
التنظيم لشركة Best Aura for devoelment and training

.........للحضور يرى التأكيد فى رسالة اذا كنتم ترغبون فى الحضور
او الاتصال على رقم 0224509644 او 0193555766
مطلوب صيادلة خبرة و حديثي التخرج لمجموعة صيدليات بمنطقة جيزان - المنطقة الجنوبية - بالسعودية .... المقابلة غداً في تمام الساعة (5) م يوم الثلاثاء 11/1/2011 في شركة دانة النخبة و مقرها الكائن في: (48) ش شهاب - المهندسين - الجيزة
للأستفسار: 0171651459
Customer service representative
Gender: Female.
City of Residence Cairo. Near of Maadi.
Computer Skills: Very Good.
Language skills : English is a must .
Deal directly with customers either by telephone, electronically or face to face
Respond promptly to customer inquiries
Handle and resolve customer complaints
Obtain and evaluate all relevant information to handle inquiries and complaints
Able to suggest improvements to the various communications by the company
Communicate and coordinate with internal departments
Follow up on customer interactions Education and Experience
Interpersonal skills : Communication skills - verbal and written - Listening skills - Problem analysis and problem-solving - Attention to detail and accuracy - Data collection and ordering - Customer service orientation .
Send your cv to: Ramy.atya@andalusiagroup.net
فرصه ذهبيه للعمل بأرقى الفنادق الخمس نجوم بجده- السعوديهRequired for five stars hotel in Jeddah – K.S.A.
1 –Bellman (حامل حقائب )
2 –Butcher (جزار )
3 -Chef De partie - cold kitchen (مسئول اللحوم البارده بالمطبخ )
4 -Demi chef (مساعد طباخ )
...5 –lifeguard (مسئول حمام السباحه )
6 -order taker(متلقى الطلبات)
7 –receptionist(موظفين استقبال )
8 -Revenue & Reservation manager (مدير حجز وايرادات )
9 -Room Boy(هاوس كيبنج) (male only)
10 – steward (male only) (مضيف)
11 -Sushi chef (طباخ مسئول عن الأكل اليابانى)
12 -telephone operator (عامل هاتف)
13 –waiter (جرسون)
send your C.V.

T: - 37483002
M : - 0183321777
مطلوب فتيات فى توكيل ملابس(UK)
بأبوظبى ودبى store manager خبرة من 3 - 5 سنوات
يشترط حسن المظهر وإجادة اللغة الإنجليزية بدجة جيدة
مؤهلات متوسطة وعليا
الراتب من 5700 إلى 7000 درهم
......و sales فتيات خبرة من من 2-3 سنوات السن لا يقل عن 21 عام
يشترط حسن المظهر وإجادة اللغة الإنجليزية بدجة جيدة
مؤهلات متوسطة وعليا
الراتب من 2500 إلى 3000 درهم
يوفر لهم تذاكر الطيران والإنتقالات والمسكن
برجاء إرسال السير الذاتية مع كتابة التخصص المتقدم له مع إرفاق صورة على :mariam.i.ali@hotmail.com
للعمل بالاسكندرية مديري فرق مبيعات
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط

-خبرة في مجال ادارة الفرق
...-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية
-يعمل علي تطوير وتثقيف نفسه

طبيعة العمل:
-تكوين فريق من 10افراد مسؤولي المبيعات
-تدريب الفريق
-مساعدة اعضاء الفريق في سوق العمل للوصول لاهداف الشركة
-مراقبة سير عمل الفريق وتقديم التقارير المطلوبة

الدخل من2000الي 6000

send c.v at
للعمل بالاسكندرية مسؤولي تامين
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط

...-خبرة في مجال المبيعات او التسويق اوالعمل مع الجمهور
-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-طموح ويجيد وضع الاهداف وتحقيقها
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية

طبيعة العمل:
-تسويق برامج التامين وتحقيق الهدف الشهري المطلوب
-خلق اسواق جديدة
-الحفاظ علي عملاء الشركة وتقديم خدمة ما بعد البيع

الدخل يتراوح بين 1000الي4000

send c.v at
اذا كنت تعرف حد عايز يشتغل فى الغردقه فى احد الفنادق خليه يتصل برقم 0175518557 قبل العاشره مساءا ، مطلوب حاليا عمال نظافة Housekeeping , و عمال نطافه بالمطبخ .Stewarding
يمكن لراغبى العمل بالوظائف الفندقيه المختلفه ارسال السيره الذاتيه على العنوان الألكترونى التالى:
Sales Professional required for Training & Consulting Firm located in Nasr City, Cairo, To Apply, send your CV to: "cv10@orkanza.com" with subject (SalesPro-TD).
Employer International Trade Office
Job Title Sales & Marketing Manager
Languages Excellent Command of Speaking and writing English language
Country Egypt
Job Category Sales
Job Type Full Time
Description • Selling experience in cranes & heavy equipments Field. Research, prepare and gain agreement for the annual sales plan to meet the business objectives • Organize, control and motivate sales staff to achieve the sales objectives within agreed profit margins • Select, train and develop sales staff to meet the immediate and longer term needs of the function • Research and monitor changes in the market situation and factors that will influence future changes in demand, or create new opportunities • Communicate the sales strategy and gain commitment to it from dependent functions, such as purchasing and production to ensure their capability to respond to the timely demands they are likely to face • Present the Company’s product development and promotional plans to influence prospective clients • Represent the Company at senior levels with customers to enhance the company’s image and capability to achieve significant sales growth beyond the level of repeat orders and natural growth of demand • Close deals and negotiate contracts with margins and time scales to meet the Company targets and objectives • Contribute to the development of marketing plans and technical improvements and advances that could support future growth in sales • Communicate new product development requirements to the appropriate Product Managers to influence the development of products which meet market/client requirements.
Qualifications - Excellent communication skills - MIS or computer science graduates or any other equivalent certifications - have a good experience in IT sales Field
Gender Male
Education major Marketing
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills Excellent Communication Skills - strong personality - decision maker & problem Solver. • Working with multi functional teams • Influencing and negotiating with clients to convert new opportunities into future sales to form the basis of a long term relationship and future growth • Developing staff capability and potential to change with the demands of the products and markets.
Salary (L.E.) 2600 - 4500
Comments kindly mention (Sales & Marketing Manager ) in the subject line.
Job Contact Person Mrs.Noha el emery Hr director
Job Contact Email hr@ito-group.com.eg
Job Title Internal Auditor
Languages Good English language
Country Egypt
Job Category Accounting
Job Type Full Time
Description Will be responsible for evaluating and testing the company internal controls and report his recommendations this includes process assessment, system evaluation, fraud control and general risk assessment. Internal audit experience in the banking sector is a preference. He or she must master audit tools and methodology, show sufficient awareness of business risk and mitigation, and have sound knowledge of corporate laws (159, 95), as well as good knowledge of Egyptian tax laws and accounting standards
Qualifications BS of Accounting 3-5 yrs exp Excellent user of Excel and Quick books
Gender Male
Education major Accounting
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments The Candidates Must Be Alexandria Residents
Job Contact Person Mrs.Noha el emery Hr director
Job Contact Email HR@ito-group.com.eg
Employer International Trade Office
Job Title Country Egypt
Job Category Sales
Job Type Full Time
Description Implement sales plan received by Sales Manager. Execute business opportunities within sectors. Follow up with customer needs. Contact Costumer for taking appointment. Prepare All Document and proposals to close the contract. Set the Billing and follow up with Finance Department. Achieving the sales Target Set by Sales Manager. Follow up on sales activities. Ensure weekly report evaluation & statistics preparation. Prepare and entered All Sales Activity with The CRM. Maintain the relationship with costumer. Find new leads in his sector.
Qualifications Experience of 1-3 years in sales. Skills & Languages Good in Arabic and English languages and interpersonal skills. High customer engagement skills. High ability in negotiation.
Gender Male
Education major Marketing
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments the Candidates Must be Alexandria Residents
Job Contact Person Mrs.Noha el emery Hr director
Job Contact Email HR@ito-group.com.eg
مطلوب مسؤل مبيعات في مجال الاْدوات المنزلية او الاواني في شركة كبري في القاهرة يشترط الخبرة و اجادة التعامل مع تجار التجزئة و الجملة برجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية علي mohamed-hr@hotmail.com أو الاْتصال علي 0183999537
تطلب شركة كيميكال للتجارة والتسويق مندوبين تسويق شرط خبرة ف مجال المبيدات الحشرية وشركات المكافحة على من يرغب ف الوظيفة الاتصال على ارقام التالية : 0103227771 - 0222751891
او ارسال السى فى على الايميل : chemical2010-elwassal@hotmail.com

Employer Berlitz Language Centers
Job Title Recruitment Coordinator
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description *Conduct CV and Phone screening for all junior and Senior Positions. *Conduct Interviews to junior positions. *Contract signing and composition of offer letters. *Conduct Berlitz Orientation to new joiners. *Sourcing Internal and External Posting. *CV database. *Responsible for the implementation of any new policies & objectives. *Undertake further responsibilities that may evolve in the future.
Qualifications *Bachelors degree in any discipline. *Native Fluency in the English language. *Excellent Microsoft Office User. *Confident, Professional, and Confident. *Flexible, Positive, and friendly.
Gender Any
Experience 0 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please Write in the subject of the email: "Recruitment coordinator".
Job Contact Person Neveine Abel Fattah
Job Contact Email careers@berlitzegypt.com
Employer KPMG Hazem Hassan
Job Title Civil Engineer
Country Saudi Arabia
Job Type Full Time
Description - Responsible for civil project management; estimating, scheduling and follow up.
Qualifications - BSc of Civil engineer with 2-5 years experience in project management.
Gender Male
Education major Civil Engineering
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills - working with Franchise company is an asset.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments - the company operates in Saudi Arabia
Job Contact Person Khaled Ali
Job Contact Email kali@kpmg.com
Job Code 47257
Employer ARTOC Group for Investment and Development
Job Title Sales Executive
Country Egypt
Job Category Retail, Sales
Job Type Full Time
Description Responsibilities: Punctual attendance at tenders, adjudications and the preparation of necessary documentation. Prompt collection of payments. Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Constructing layout proposals to meet customer requirements. Submission of sales figures against sales targets to the sales manager on monthly basis. Achieving the sales objectives with maximum profitability. Developing methods to meet the requirements of the sales division. Preparation of correspondences and communications for and on behalf of Artoc Shorts division, as directed by the sales manager. Supporting and maintenance of customer database. Maintaining good and profitable relationships with clients at all times. To carry out any task as directed by the sales manager. Providing proper reports on daily basis.
Qualifications Bachelor degree from a four-year accredited university. Experience two years as a Sales Professional in any consumer products business. Candidate must own a car with a valid driving license.
Gender Any
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly write the job title in your email subject.
Job Contact Person Khaled Omar
Job Contact Email hr@artoc.com
Job-Contact Information
. **************************
Employer International Trade Office
Job Title IT Sales Executive
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Implement sales plan received by Sales Manager. Execute business opportunities within sectors. Follow up with customer needs. Contact Costumer for taking appointment. Prepare All Document and proposals to close the contract. Set the Billing and follow up with Finance Department. Achieving the sales Target Set by Sales Manager. Follow up on sales activities. Ensure weekly report evaluation & statistics preparation. Prepare and entered All Sales Activity with The CRM. Maintain the relationship with costumer. Find new leads in his sector.
Qualifications Experience of 1-3 years in sales. Skills & Languages Good in Arabic and English languages and interpersonal skills. High customer engagement skills. High ability in negotiation.
Gender Male
Education major Marketing
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments the Candidates Must be Alexandria Residents
Job Contact Person Mrs.Noha el emery Hr director
Job Contact Email HR@ito-group.com.eg
We are a newly established sports marketing company with its online e-commerce website looking for: Secretary / warehouse database to work full-time in our office in Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
- University Graduate (Fresh graduates preferred)
-Perfect command of the English language
...-Computer Skills:
*Familiar working with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access
*Familiar working with Internet application
Required Documents
Resume/Vitae, Cover Letter, Recent Photo
Please respond to this post at jobs@equestriansportsmarketing.com, subject: Secretary. Please note: Emails with no covering letter, CV or photo will be disregarded
Customer services representatives required for big company in Heliopolis with following requirements: Girls only, fresh graduate or 1:2 years experience, very good English is must, hard worker ,Team player send your C.V with recent pic and don’t forget to write the job which you Appling for on subject on reham.shawky@nes...pressoegypt.com

The candidates will be required to sell the portfolio of our IT Solutions: Networking, Infrastructure Solutions, Hardware & Applications (Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics). The candidates are required to have experience in selling IT solutions for the specific sector which is mentioned below (e.g.: candidates for the first vacancy are required to have previous experience in selling IT solutions for the banking sector/banks)

1- Senior Sales Account Manager – Banking Sector
2- Senior Account Manager – Telecommunication Sector
3- Senior Sales Account Manager – Government Sector
4- Sales Account Manager – Security Sector
5- Sales Account Manager – Oracle Applications
6- Senior Sales Account Manager – Oracle Applications

The job description for the Account Manager as well as the Senior Account Manager is the same the only difference is the years of experience.
Sales Account Manager (2-4 years of experience)
Senior Sales Account Manager (4-6 Years of Experience)

As for the packages it would differ according to the experience of the candidates

For any other inquiries regarding the position please contact me. Appreciate your response

Best regards,
صيدليات الدواء – فى ارجاء المملكه – مطلوب صيادله متميزون ذكور للعمل بالسعوديه – 0114734735 – 0106604641 – الهدف للتوظيف – ترخيص قوى عامله رقم 416 موافقه 561/2011 – info@al-dawaa.com

مطلوب صيادله من الجنسين خبررة – ف صباحيه ومسائيه لصيدليه بمصر الجديده – 26176158 – 0101608990

Female Human Resources Administrator needed,

•Responsible for screening applicants’ CVs according to the available vacancies

•Responsible for scheduling interviews on a daily basis

•Responsible for administering pre-employment tests (IQ, English and medical check-up tests) for potential candidates

•Coordinates with department heads to conduct panel interviews to speed up the recruitment process (depending on the urgency of filling the vacant position)

•Handles the hiring process after a candidate is accepted (preparing contracts, approvals to hire, etc.)

Skills Required:

•Fresh graduate with a Bachelor degree (Human Resources major) from a private university

•Excellent caliber and presentable

•Fluent English

Salary will be 2500

Working hours: 8 am until 4 pm

Location:6th of october

2 Days Off : (Friday and Saturday)

If interested send your C.V to christine.mitry@topbusiness.com.eg and mention in the subject Human Resources Administrator
صيدليات بحدائق القبه والمطريه – مساعدين خبرة فترة ليليه – 24525980 - 24502753

مطلوب صيدلى وبائع خبرة وعمال وكاشير لصيدليه بوسط البلد – 0111540004

مطلوب صيادله ومساعد صيدلى وعمال صيدليه باسباتس والهرم – 0101330664 – 0169831386 – 0233852589

صيادله /صيدلانيه لصيدليه اول الهرم – ف صباحيه – 0197773659 – 37809338

مطلوب صيدلى /صيدلانيه فترتين لصيدليه بالمنيب جيزة – 33063951 – 0125103020

لصيدليه متميزة بالمهندسين – صيادله ومساعدين خبرة من الجنسين – ت: 0111783030

A well reputed hotels’ chain is seeking a Chief Engineer, who speaks French fluently, for its exotic resort in Komar Island. Interested candidates are welcome to send their CVs to: mayada@cha-international.com ASAP!
مطلوب خرجين علوم او زراعة قسم البيوتكنولوجى كمندوب فى شركة فرست بيوتك ويشترط ان يكون لة خبرة على الاقل سنة بالمجال
يتم ارسالcv
على info@firstbiotec.com
Data Analyst
• Bachelor's degree in statistics from faculty of economics and political science
• Preferably fresh graduate
• Familiar with statistical software, i.e. SPSS, SAS, Minitab

Kindly send your CV to:


Job Code 47172
Employer Living In Interiors
Job Title 3D Modeler/Graphic Designer
Languages excellent command of English language .
Country Egypt
Job Category Architecture, Civil Engineering, Designer
Job Type Full Time
Description •Prepare 3D Models (Study/Presentation) for Architectural Projects. •Adjust Model Shots for Printing and Presentation. •Prepare Presentations, both Printed and On Screen.
Qualifications Bachelor degree in Architectural Engineering.
Gender Any
Education major Architecture
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills •Excellent Knowledge of Autodesk 3DS Max and Vray. •Excellent Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. Adobe In Design is a plus. •Excellent Knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint. Adobe Flash is a plus. •Knowledge of Autodesk AutoCAD. •Excellent Communication and Interpersonal skills.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Badawy Selmy
Job Contact Email Bselmy@livingin.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47275
Employer Franke Egypt
Job Title Export Coordinator
Languages Excellent communication in both English & Arabic
Country Egypt
Job Category Import & Export
Job Type Full Time
Description Negotiates contracts with foreign sales. Manages all export correspondence, bid requests, and credit collections. Arranges shipping details such as export licenses, customs declarations, and packing, shipping, and routing of product. Expedites import-export arrangements and maintains current information on import-export tariffs, licenses, and restrictions. Plans and directs flow of air and surface traffic moving to overseas destinations. Supervises workers engaged in receiving and shipping freight, documentation, way billing, assessing charges, and collecting fees for shipments. Negotiates with domestic customers, as intermediary for foreign customers, to resolve problems and arrive at mutual agreements. Negotiates with foreign shipping interests to contract for reciprocal freight handling agreements. Examines invoices and shipping manifests for conformity to tariff and customs regulations. Contacts customs officials to effect release of incoming freight and resolve customs delays. Prepares reports of transactions to facilitate billing of shippers and foreign carriers
Qualifications University graduate
Gender Any
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills negotiation skills selling skills excellent computer skills
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Heba Ali
Job Contact Email kitchensystems-cv.eg@franke.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47255
Job Title Marketing Researcher
Languages Very good English
Country Egypt
Job Category Management, Marketing, Research
Job Type Part Time
Description meeting with clients to negotiate and agree research projects; liaising with clients via face to face meetings, email and the telephone; researching a topic; preparing briefs and commissioning research; formulating a plan/proposal and presenting it to the client or senior management; writing and managing the distribution of surveys and questionnaires; briefing interviewers and researchers; liaising with and managing survey staff; moderating focus groups; conducting qualitative or quantitative surveys, which may involve field, interview or focus group assessments; using statistical software to manage and organise information; monitoring the progress of research projects; analysing and interpreting data to identify patterns and solutions, including surveys and focus group transcripts; writing detailed reports and presenting results; advising clients/senior management on how to best use research findings; managing budgets.
Qualifications 0-1 year of experience, very good analytical and presentation skills
Gender Female
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Mohamed ElEbrashi
Job Contact Email HR@themar.org
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47206
Employer Americana Group
Job Title Executive Secretary
Languages Excellent English
Country Egypt
Job Category Administration, Office Manager / Executive Secretary
Job Type Full Time
Description 1. Meet the manager’s requests, needs, type and circulate them to the different departments to be implemented. Follow up the implementation process and then report to the manager. 2. Organize and distribute internal / external mail and correspondence and to the different departments. 3. Prepares meetings, type and circulate the agenda. 4. Prepare meetings’ lists that include stationers, refreshments, etc. 5. Screen manager’s calls schedule and follow up his appointments. 6. Responsible for continuous supply of stationary for the office. Maintain the office general image, maintenance, and cleanliness. 7. Screen daily newspapers and submit a daily summary of the most important news. 8. Perform other duties - outside his span of responsibilities - if required by the manager.
Qualifications 1. B.A or B.Sc. from a recognized university. 2. At least 1 year of experience as a secretary in an industrial company. 3. Excellent command of the English language. 4. Excellent computer skills. 5. Good Communication skills. 6. Ability to analyze and develop plans that achieve objectives.
Gender Female
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Reporting to the Chief Marketing officer Marketing background is highly preferable
Job Contact Person Sally Hosny
Job Contact Email shosny@americana-group.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47257
Employer ARTOC Group for Investment and Development
Job Title Sales Executive
Country Egypt
Job Category Retail, Sales
Job Type Full Time
Description Responsibilities: Punctual attendance at tenders, adjudications and the preparation of necessary documentation. Prompt collection of payments. Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. Constructing layout proposals to meet customer requirements. Submission of sales figures against sales targets to the sales manager on monthly basis. Achieving the sales objectives with maximum profitability. Developing methods to meet the requirements of the sales division. Preparation of correspondences and communications for and on behalf of Artoc Shorts division, as directed by the sales manager. Supporting and maintenance of customer database. Maintaining good and profitable relationships with clients at all times. To carry out any task as directed by the sales manager. Providing proper reports on daily basis.
Qualifications Bachelor degree from a four-year accredited university. Experience two years as a Sales Professional in any consumer products business. Candidate must own a car with a valid driving license.
Gender Any
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly write the job title in your email subject.
Job Contact Person Khaled Omar
Job Contact Email hr@artoc.com
Job-Contact Information
لكبرى المطابع في السعودية بالرياض مطلوب الاتي :
- مدير مطبعة لديه خبرة في ادارة المطابع
- مصمم جرافيك اعمال مطبعية

شروط التقديم
- برجاء تسمية السيرة الذاتية باسم الوظيفة بدلا من اسم صاحب السيرة الذاتية مثلا اذا كانت السيرة الذاتية لمدير مطبعة يكتب (( مدير مطبعة )) بدل من ان يكتب اسمه يعني يعمل (( ري نيم )) اعادة تسمية

بيانات الارسال : Engineerhassn4@yahoo.com
Vacancy at FNF Cairo: Regional Program Coordinator

The Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty (FNF) in Cairo is in need of a

Regional Program Coordinator

who will be responsible for initiating, coordinating and managing the regional programs of the Foundation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Interested? Check out the requirements and how to apply at


Closing date is January 20, 2011.

مدير تسويق لشركة دعاية واعلان بالرياض

اولاـ شهادة جامعية في التسويق او ماجستير في ادارة الاعمال

ثانياـ خبرة في مجال العمل لا تقل عن 3سنوات في مجال الدعاية والاعلان

ثالثاـ ملم بأعمال الدعاية والاعلان وهي اللوحات الاعلانية ـ المطبوعات والاستاندات ـ المعارض المتنقلة

رابعاـ يجيد اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا وكتابة

خامساـ يتحمل ضغط العمل (مهم جدا

سادساـ حسن المظهر

سابعاـ العمر أقل من 30سنة

ارسل سيرتك الذاتية مع كتابة الوظيفة المطلوبة علي: egydanaelite@yahoo.com

لأرقى وأكبر مجموعة صيدليات ومستشفيات و
Sub agent
بالسعودية-المنطقه الشرقية مطلوب:-
...أخصائي مختبر
أخصائي أشعة
أخصائيين وأخصائيات أسنان
برجاء إرسال السيره الذاتيه باللغة العربية والانجليزية
مرفق معها صورة شخصية حديثة ولن ينظر للسير الذاتية بدون صورة
لمركز طبي راقى بمكة المكرمة (السعودية) برواتب ومزايا مغرية جدا
أخصائية نساء
أخصائية باطنه
...أخصائية جلدية
يشترط حسن المظهر-ماجيستير جيد جدا مع مرتبة الشرف
برجاء إرسال السيره الذاتيه باللغة العربية والانجليزية
مرفق معها صورة شخصية حديثة ولن ينظر للسير الذاتية بدون صورة
Senior Data Analyst
• 2-4 years experience in market research and/or data analysis.
...• Bachelor's degree in business, market research, statistics from a reputable university
• Candidate should have educational and professional background in marketing, economics, math or statistics
• Proficiency in MS Excel and power point
• Excellent with statistical software, i.e. SPSS, SAS, Minitab

Kindly send your CV to:
Senior Architectural Engineering,
Group of Companies Located in Maadi is seeking for Senior Architectural Engineering with the following requirements,
Job Description:
-Obtain and assemble data to complete architectural designs, visiting job sites to compile measurements as necessary.
-Draw rough and detailed scale plans for foundations, buildings and structures, based on preliminary concepts, sketches, engineering calculations, specification sheets and other data.
-Supervise, coordinate, and inspect the work of draftspersons, technicians, and technologists on construction projects.
-Represent architect on construction site, ensuring builder compliance with design specifications and advising on design corrections, under architect's supervision.
-Coordinate structural, electrical and mechanical designs and determine a method of presentation in order to graphically represent building plans.

Job Specifications:
- Bachelor degree in Architectural Engineering.
- 3 to 5 years Experience.
- Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
-Exceptional skills in 3D studio max, AutoCAD and V-ray
To apply kindly send your C.V to:belgamal@be-employment.com & noha-darwish@hotmail.com
For Web Solution Company in Nasrcity, we are looking for a PHP developer with min 3 years experience.
Skills: Excellent knowlege (Majento, Wordpress, Joomla)
Salary :5000 EGP.
For apply please send your CV with a recent photo to:
...recruitment@co-operativehost.com .....
mention the job title in the subject

Job Code 46942
Employer Giza Systems
Job Title Operation Engineers (Oracle)
Languages Fluent English is a must
Country Egypt
Job Category Computer Software, Database Administrator, Telecommunications
Job Type Full Time
Description Operates , administrates , troubleshoots Oracle , SQL database systems Responsible for operation Oracle Data migration tools OS administration
Qualifications Min 2 years experience Good experience in Unix OS Experience in SQL & PL/SQL Oracle DB experience and administration Preferably has experience in Migration tool (Ex. ODI )
Gender Male
Education major Computer
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please send your resume to dina.mobasher@gizasystems.com with subject line Operation Engineers (Oracle)
Job Contact Person Dina Mobasher
Job Contact Email dina.mobasher@gizasystems.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47163
Employer Hiteknofal Solutions
Job Title Junior Cisco Network Engineer
Languages Fluency in English
Country Egypt
Job Category Communication Engineering
Job Type Full Time
Description Configure all network devices related to any integrated solution (Routing, Switching, Voice, Security, Wireless, UC, Network Management … etc). Follow-up and manage projects from starting till project completion and end including project initiation, execution & final acceptance phases, with verifying each phase using the company verification forms in order to meet project plan. Execute customer visits for technical requirement gathering and technical consultancy. Improve self knowledge & technical skills according to the market development and company requirements. Execute knowledge transfer in order to transfer any knowledge with the team members.
Qualifications Bachelor degree in Engineering, major in Communication or Electronics
Gender Any
Education major Communication & Electronics
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments *Cisco certificates: CCNA, CCDA, CCNP is a plus *Please mention the job title in the email subject to be considered
Job Contact Person Tamer Kamel - Recruitment Officer
Job Contact Email Hr@hiteknofal.com
Job-Contact Information
Job Code 47279
Employer Sprea Misr
Job Title Chemist
Country Egypt
Job Category Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
Job Type Full Time
Description -Collect samples and Perform testing procedures on raw material and finished product.
Qualifications Bachelor of Science: (Chemistry),Good command of both written and spoken English - Computer skills is a must - Good communication
Gender Male
Education major chemistry
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Less than 1500
Job Contact Person Marwa El Meligy
Job Contact Email hr@spreamisr.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47016
Employer Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications
Job Title International Account Advisor (UK Account)
Languages Fluent English.
Country Egypt
Job Category Call Center
Job Type Full Time
Description -Own and manage the client relationship: resolving calls efficiently and effectively. - Ensure service level agreements are met and maintained. - Work as part of a team to ensure offering world-class Customer Service at all times. - Be proactive in regards to the improvement of processes and procedures. - Communicate positively with all involved parties in order to facilitate customers reception of the expected distinguished service. - Create and promote an environment that fosters both individual and team advancement to ensure the outstanding delivery of customer service. - Mentor and support new employees. - Use the job tools (telephone and computer) effectively. - Meeting service level in handling all transactions measured through productivity reports. - Accuracy in handling all assigned tasks. - Attendance and punctuality. - Maintain professional work relationships with colleagues, supervisor and manager. - Teamwork spirit. - Flexibility.
Qualifications - Fluent English. - Strong verbal communication skills. - Demonstrates a positive, enthusiastic, friendly attitude. - Ability to work on a 24 hours shift basis that will include night hours. - Proficiency in using MS Office application
Gender Any
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Vodafone HR
Job Contact Email careers@vodafone.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47079
Employer Stream International Egypt
Job Title Customer Support Professional - English
Languages English.
Country Egypt
Job Category Call Center
Job Type Full Time
Description Provide Customer Service for American Clients Continuously work to provide service excellence on every call, resulting in high customer satisfaction scores. Provide responsive and proficient support ensuring that customer needs and issues are resolved at the first instance (first call resolution). Provide customer with recommendations to promote and achieve sales of products and/or services. Deliver and exceed targets for sales/conversions. Deliver and exceed customer-specified service levels for handle time. Use scripts as a guide to sell the product or service. Uses computerized systems to track, document and retrieve information. Track, document and retrieve information in call tracking database. Handle customers’ objections and rebuttals by referring them to published materials and or to senior staff. Learn, understand, retain and regularly update and demonstrate product/process knowledge.
Qualifications Skill in providing service excellence to internal and external customers. Skill in active listening, asking strategic questions to uncover needs and making recommendations for products and services to meet customer needs. Skill in verbal and written communication to analyze, interpret and address customer needs. Ability to work in a time critical environment. Ability to be flexible and quickly adapt to changing business needs and processes.
Gender Any
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please send your CV to egypt.jobsstream.com and write the Position & Language you are applying for in the email subject line.
Job Contact Person Lydia Luka
Job Contact Email egypt.jobs@stream.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47080
Employer Stream International Egypt
Job Title Customer Support Professional - Italian
Languages Italian
Country Egypt
Job Category Call Center
Job Type Full Time
Description Provide Travel & Tourism support services for Italian / Europe Clients Continuously work to provide service excellence on every call, resulting in high customer satisfaction scores. Provide responsive and proficient support ensuring that customer needs and issues are resolved at the first instance (first call resolution). Provide customer with recommendations to promote and achieve sales of products and/or services. Deliver and exceed customer-specified service levels for handle time. Uses computerized systems to track, document and retrieve information. Track, document and retrieve information in call tracking database. Handle customers’ objections and rebuttals by referring them to published materials and or to senior staff. Learn, understand, retain and regularly update and demonstrate product/process knowledge.
Qualifications Skill in providing service excellence to internal and external customers. Skill in active listening, asking strategic questions to uncover needs and making recommendations for products and services to meet customer needs. Skill in verbal and written communication to analyze, interpret and address customer needs. Ability to work in a time critical environment. Ability to be flexible and quickly adapt to changing business needs and processes.
Gender Any
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Compensations Company provide transportation from pick up points covering Greater Cairo.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please send your CV to egyptjobs@stream.com and write the Position & Language you are applying for in the email subject line.
Job Contact Person Lydia Luka
Job Contact Email egypt.jobs@stream.com
Job-Contact Information
One of the leading Real Estate Development companies are seeking to hire a Senior Quality Control Engineer.

Job Description:
- Applying Subcontractor's quittance and accounting.
- Applying the technical details for construction
- Prepare daily reports for the construction rats and project's
- Approval the subcontractor's quittance.
- Review and approval of sub metal in project.
- Technical and administration coordination between different
departments of project.
- Follow up working as safety audits.
- Follow up plan for quality control.
- Making quality control reports.
- Follow up plan for technical and quality assurance.
- Follow up quality measurement laboratories for project.

Job Requirements:
- 5-10 years experience
- B.S. Civil or Architecture Engineering
- Professional verbal and written communication skill
- Attention to details and excellent organizational skills.

If you are interested, kindly send your CV to info@consultationsltd.com, quoting the job title in the subject.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

Job Code 47081
Employer Stream International Egypt
Job Title Customer Support Professional - French
Languages French
Country Egypt
Job Category Call Center
Job Type Full Time
Description Provide Customer Service for French Clients Continuously work to provide service excellence on every call, resulting in high customer satisfaction scores. Provide responsive and proficient support ensuring that customer needs and issues are resolved at the first instance (first call resolution). Provide customer with recommendations to promote and achieve sales of products and/or services. Deliver and exceed targets for sales/conversions. Deliver and exceed customer-specified service levels for handle time. Use scripts as a guide to sell the product or service. Uses computerized systems to track, document and retrieve information. Track, document and retrieve information in call tracking database. Handle customers’ objections and rebuttals by referring them to published materials and or to senior staff. Learn, understand, retain and regularly update and demonstrate product/process knowledge.
Qualifications Skill in providing service excellence to internal and external customers. Skill in active listening, asking strategic questions to uncover needs and making recommendations for products and services to meet customer needs. Skill in verbal and written communication to analyze, interpret and address customer needs. Ability to work in a time critical environment. Ability to be flexible and quickly adapt to changing business needs and processes.
Gender Any
Education major French Language
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Compensations Company provide transportation from pick up points covering Greater Cairo.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please send your CV to egyptjobs@stream.com and write the Position & Language you are applying for in the email subject line.
Job Contact Person Lydia Luka
Job Contact Email egypt.jobs@stream.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47280
Job Title Receptionist
Country Egypt
Job Category Administration
Job Type Full Time
Description Answering visitors inquiries about the company, directing visitors to appropriate contacts, sorting mail, answering incoming calls, and arranging appointments for guests to meet with company staff.
Qualifications - Presentable - Excellent Communication Skills - Good English Skills - Good Computer Skills
Gender Female
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Less than 1500
Comments Please. State the position applied for in email subject
Job Contact Person HR
Job Contact Email jobs@sgc.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47200
Job Title Personnel Specialist
Languages Very good command of written and spoken English.
Country Egypt
Job Category Accounting, Administration, Human Resources
Job Type Full Time
Description Administrates payroll (time-keeping), benefits processing, and attendance and performance review tracking. Dealing with labour offices and insurance authorities. Handle termination process: secure resignation letters (when possible), conduct exit interviews. Handle recruitment process: prepare and post internal and external job announcements, take and review employment applications, organize applicant testing and interpret scores, set-up interviews, prepare offer letters, arrange pre-employment forensic screening, check references (professional and criminal background), coordinate new hire orientation, and maintain job files on job openings.
Qualifications Bachelors degree of in any discipline. > > · From 2-4 years of experience in personnel administration. > > · Good knowledge of labor& insurance law, payroll cycle and hiring > procedures. > > · Good written and spoken English. > > · Excellent communication skills.
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Compensations Social and medical insurance
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Interested candidates should send their CVs on the below mail mentioning the job title in the subject, mails without title will be totally discarded.
Job Contact Person HR Department
Job Contact Email cv@divine-worx.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47216
Employer TEPCO
Job Title HR Team Assistant
Languages English language (v.good command of English Language-spoken and written) Excellent command of Arabic language (spoken and written)
Country Egypt
Job Category Human Resources, Electrical Engineering
Job Type Full Time
Description Reporting to HR Specialist -Processing HR data entry(registering all interviews & HR inventory :soft& hard copies) - Maintaining & Developing HR filing system - Follow-up of HR issues within the assigned authority - Answering phone calls and writing down messages - Meeting employees and registering their requests - Calling candidates-fixing interviews for them by phone & by email - Giving feedback about posts as required - Making daily and weekly agenda to HR specialist - Any administrative task that would be required
Qualifications Business Administration or any relevant field
Gender Female
Education major Business Administration
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills -Presentable -High communication skills -High follow-up capability -Customer-oriented -Goal seeker Hard Worker
Compensations -Career Development -Transportation -Profit Sharing -Social and Medical Insurance
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments If you are a hard worker, self-motivated and dynamic, and would like to gain sound experience in HRMS, kindly send us your updated c.v. with a recent photo and a covering letter at: salma.nabeel@tepcoegypt.com
Job Contact Person Mrs. Salma Nabeel
Job Contact Email salma.nabeel@tepcoegypt.com
Job-Contact Information

Job Code 47227
Employer Berlitz Language Centers
Job Title Recruitment Coordinator
Country Egypt
Job Category Administration, Human Resources
Job Type Full Time
Description *Conduct CV and Phone screening for all junior and Senior Positions. *Conduct Interviews to junior positions. *Contract signing and composition of offer letters. *Conduct Berlitz Orientation to new joiners. *Sourcing Internal and External Posting. *CV database. *Responsible for the implementation of any new policies & objectives. *Undertake further responsibilities that may evolve in the future.
Qualifications *Bachelors degree in any discipline. *Native Fluency in the English language. *Excellent Microsoft Office User. *Confident, Professional, and Confident. *Flexible, Positive, and friendly.
Gender Any
Experience 0 – New Graduate Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please Write in the subject of the email: "Recruitment coordinator".
Job Contact Person Neveine Abel Fattah
Job Contact Email careers@berlitzegypt.com
Job-Contact Information
we are seeking for a female secretary with a perfect English and computer skills fresh graduate 2010.
plz send your c.v on job_504@hotmail.com and write your job on the subject.
Our work time from 9 to 6 everyday without Friday & location on Mohandseen
لكبرى المطابع في السعودية بالرياض مطلوب الاتي :
- مدير مطبعة لديه خبرة في ادارة المطابع
- مصمم جرافيك اعمال مطبعية

شروط التقديم
- برجاء تسمية السيرة الذاتية باسم الوظيفة بدلا من اسم صاحب السيرة الذاتية مثلا اذا كانت السيرة الذاتية لمدير مطبعة يكتب (( مدير مطبعة )) بدل من ان يكتب اسمه يعني يعمل (( ري نيم )) اعادة تسمية

بيانات الارسال : Engineerhassn4@yahoo.com

صديقكم المحب
مطلوب بسرعة لمكتب استقدام في السعودية بالرياض:
اولا : سكرتير الشروط المطلوبة :
أ_ معفي من الجيش .
ب_معرفة تامة بقيادة السيارة( لدية رخصة )
ج_ إجادة اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا وكتابة
د_ معرفة استخدام الكمبيوتر وبرامجه الهامة
هـ _ حسن الخلق ويفضل ان يكون غير مدخن
ثانيا : مندوب مبيعات مواد غذائية الشروط المطلوبة :
أ_ معفي من الجيش .
ب_معرفة تامة بقيادة السيارة( لدية رخصة )
ج_ إجادة اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا وكتابة
د_ معرفة استخدام الكمبيوتر وبرامجه الهامة
هـ _ يمتلك مهارات الاقناع ولديه خبرات تسويقية ( يفضل من يمتلك شهادات خبرة في نفس المجال او بكالوريس تسويق )
و_ حسن الخلق ويفضل ان يكون غير مدخن

- برجاء تسمية السيرة الذاتية باسم الوظيفة بدلا من اسم صاحب السيرة الذاتية مثلا اذا كانت السيرة الذاتية لمندوب مبيعات يكتب (( لمندوب مبيعات )) بدل من ان يكتب اسمه يعني يعمل (( ري نيم )) اعادة تسمية

بيانات الارسال : Engineerhassn@yahoo.com
A Company in Maadi needs an Accountant " Male Only" have minimum 4 years of Experience. Salary : Net 1500 L.E Send your CV on Professional_maadi@yahoo.com with a photo Mention " accountant 1.5"in the Subject

Good Luck
Geology and Geo science, Data management, well and production, Exploration Geologist, Geological /Geophysical, Geological Technologist, Geological Technologist / GIS Specialist, Geologist,Geophysical Engineer, Geo technical Engineer (Intermediate), Geo technical Technicians / Technologist (Junior),Geo technical Technologist (Intermediate), GIS Specialist / Analyst, Hydro geologist (Junior) Jr. and Int. Processing Geophysicists Land processing, Manager (VP) Geo science, Mineral Processing Engineer, Permafrost Engineer,Reservoir Engineers, Civil Engineer, Seismic Driller, Well Site Geologist, Well Site Geologists Gas, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Laboratory . ,Gas Business Coordinator ,Nitrogen Supervisor Drilling and Rig,Automobile Mechanic, Cement Supervisor, Deep Cailed Tubing Supervisor, Gas Business Coordinator, Derrick and Directional Driller, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Electronics Engineer, Plant/ Production Engineer, Drillers ,Drilling Engineers,Drilling Foreman ,Mud Logger,Rig Electrician, Rig Manager, Roughneck, Roustabout, Tool pusher, Wire line Opera Application Scripter IT Analyst, Communications Spec Sr, Communications Technician, Computer Repair Technician, Intermediate Programmer, IT Consultant and Manager, - Oracle Financial, Java, Microsoft, Web Designer, Account Manager, Wedding and Fabrication, Accountant, Accounting Clerk, Accounting Systems Analyst, Acid Supervisor, Sales manager/ Coordinator,General Supervisor, Cost Controllers, Dept Admin, Documentation Manager, Accountant Admin, Manager Projects, Safety Manager, Procurement Specialists (FIDIC Procedures) Energy Analyst , Financial Executive/ Assistant, Land Property Administrator,Quantity Surveyors Engineering. Human Resource Manager, Assistant, Secretary etc.

Anyone who is interested to send CV to recruitnlng@gmail.com and we shall get back to them as soon as we can.
An Oracle Production Implementation Manager is required for a multinational FMCG company located in KSA.

The Production Implementation Manager will be responsible to coordinate and support all implementation and after implementation of Production and Manufacturing management systems.

Skills Required:
- Functional operating experience in large organizations, preferably
- 5 - 8 years of experience with minimum 3 years in Manufacturing
oracle applications, including: scheduling, BOM, MRP..
- Knowledge in other ERP oracle suite applications is a plus
- Communication skills in English is a must
- Arabic Bilingual is a plus.
- Must possess an analytical mind with the ability and motivation to
challenge, question and improve results.
- Relocation is considerate.
- Energetic and flexible in his approach to working hours, which will
be unpredictable and on occasions demanding.

Interested applicants are kindly requested to send their CVs to info@consultationsltd.com, quoting the job title in the subject.

Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
مطلوب مهندسين كهرباء وميكانيكا وانتاج للعمل بمجموعة السويدى للكابلات ترسل السيرة الذاتية حتى 20 يناير 2011 الى target_training@yahoo.com العمل بالقاهرة - المرتبات تبدا من 2200 جنيه ستقوم ادارة اكاديمية الهدف بالتنسيق مع قطاع الموارد البشرية بمجموعة السويدى باختيار وتحديد موعد المقابلات الشخصية عن طريق الاتصال المباشر باصحاب السير الذاتية المقبولة مبدئيا مع اطيب الامانى بالتوفيق
مطلوب سكرتيره تجيد الانجليزيه و الحاسب الالي
و مستخلص جمركي يفضل من لدية رخصة.
company: خاصة لجروب وظائف الأسكندرية
التحق معنا فى شركة من كبرى شركات التوزيع فى مصر والشرق الاوسط
تطلب مندوبى مبيعات شباب حديثى التخرج او خبر ة يشترط مؤهل عالى والسن لايزيد عن 27 سنة
يتمتع كل الملتحقين بفرص كبرى للترقى السريع فى قسم المبيعات
مرتبات مجزية بالاضافة الى العمولة
تامين صحى وتامين اجتماعى
مقر الشركة فى سموحة الاسكندرية
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل وكتابة اسم الوظيفة فى عنوان الايميل
Mobile : 0165527365
Phone : 03 4294187
company: مميزة جدا جدا خاص لجروب وظائف الأسكندرية
فرصة عمل بالخارج والداخل
* مشرف عمال خبرة لا تقل عن 10 سنوات فى مصانع غاز الاكسجين و النيتروجين للعمل بالسعوديه
* مندوبين مبيعات خبرة فى مبيعات الاخشاب.
نرجو تحديد مكان السكن والوظيفه في عنوان الميل
لمن يريد التوظيف نرجو إتمام النموذج هذا وإرساله إلي الإيميل
ولا يتم إرسال سيرة ذاتية
company: مميزة جدا جدا
Senior Oracle Application
Ola AliJanuary 6, 2011 at 12:05pm
Subject: Senior Oracle Application
A well known company located in Alexandria requires Senior Oracle Application with 5-7 years of experience
•Degree in computer science or equivalent certificate
•Functional experience in Oracle Applications E-Business Suite 11i and Oracle Apps HRMS is a must
•Working experience in PLSQL-SQL.
If you are interested send your cv at
An American software company is looking for professional Tell Sales with a very good package for details call:
010 211 6933
send me your cv on the following mail and write the name of the group in the subject
مطلوب محاسبين خبرة 5 سنوات راتب 2000 ريال بالرياض ومدير حاسبات خبرة 12 سنة راتب 3000 ريال للاتصال ايميل
company: من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
للسعودية شركة رائدة بجدة تطلب مهندسين مدنى خبرة اربع سنوات بالطرق راتب اساسى 7000 ريال اساسى + البدلات للاتصال 0140932255 والايميل
مطلوب صيدلى للعمل بصدليات أحمد هاشم بحى اللبان الاتصال مباشر 3919543 ==4962522==0109887082==
مطلوب سكرتارية حديثة التخرج تجيد الكمبيوتر وعلي دراية بالانجليزية للعمل في شركة بميامي - خلف مطعم جاد وقاعة جاسمين للحفلات الاسكندرية مواعيد العمل من 10 الي 6 مساء والجمعة اجازة الاتصال علي 0112900007
للعمل بالاسكندرية مديري فرق مبيعات
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط
-خبرة في مجال ادارة الفرق
-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية
-يعمل علي تطوير وتثقيف نفسه
طبيعة العمل:
-تكوين فريق من 10افراد مسؤولي المبيعات
-تدريب الفريق
-مساعدة اعضاء الفريق في سوق العمل للوصول لاهداف الشركة
-مراقبة سير عمل الفريق وتقديم التقارير المطلوبة
الدخل من2000الي 6000
send c.v at
للعمل بالاسكندرية مسؤولي تامين
باكبر شركة تامين في الشرق الاوسط
-خبرة في مجال المبيعات او التسويق اوالعمل مع الجمهور
-مؤهل عال في اي تخصص
-طموح ويجيد وضع الاهداف وتحقيقها
-اللباقة وحسن المظهر
-منظم ويجيد التخطيط وادارة الوقت
-يجيد الانجليزية
طبيعة العمل:
-تسويق برامج التامين وتحقيق الهدف الشهري المطلوب
-خلق اسواق جديدة
-الحفاظ علي عملاء الشركة وتقديم خدمة ما بعد البيع
الدخل يتراوح بين 1000الي4000
company: مميزة جدا
شركة كبري
-مهندس ميكانيكا هيرة 10 سنوات
مهندس زراعي مقيم خبرة 10 سنوات
خريجي كلية زراعة إنجليزي
محاسبين حديثي التخرج أو خبرة
مسؤلة إستيراد
سكرتيرة تنفيذية
مشغلين سيارات نقل خبرة 5 سنوات
سائقين نقل تريلات
سائقين رخصة درجة اولي ودرجة ثانية
ترسل الطلبات بصورة شخصية حديثة على فاكس رقم
034241218 او
خلال أسبوع فقط
company: مميزة
موظف عمليات خبرة فى التعامل مع السفن وخدمات السفن والتوريدات جيد جدا فى اللغة
جيد فى التعامل مع الاجانب جيد فى الحاسب
موظفين ملاحة وعمليات من السويس وبورسعيد والاسكندرية
company: المرتب محدود
Horus Training Center
Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities
deal directly with customers either by telephone, electronically or face to face
respond promptly to customer inquiries
handle and resolve customer complaints
obtain and evaluate all relevant information to handle inquiries and complaints
perform customer verifications
process orders, forms, applications and requests
direct requests and unresolved issues to the designated resource
manage customers’ accounts
keep records of customer interactions and transactions
record details of inquiries, comments and complaints
record details of actions taken
manage administration
communicate and coordinate with internal departments
follow up on customer interactions
Education and Experience
High school diploma, general education degree or equivalent
knowledge of customer service principles and practices
knowledge of relevant computer applications
ability to type
knowledge of administrative procedures
numeric, oral and written language applications
product knowledge
Key Competencies
interpersonal skills
communication skills - verbal and written
listening skills
problem analysis and problem-solving
attention to detail and accuracy
data collection and ordering
customer service orientation
stress tolerance
مطلوب مندوبات للتعين فورا يشترط الاتى
1)- مؤهل فوق المتوسط أو مؤهل عالى
2)- اللباقة
3)- الجدية فى العمل
company: مميزة جدا
German speaking staff (Young Male) to work at the front
office reception and operator in 5* Hotel in Hurghada.
Only who finds him self QUALIFIED FOR this job sends his cv
company: من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
مطلوب shadow teacher
لطالبه من الساعه الثامنه صباحا الى الساعه الثالثه على ان تكون المتقدمه مجيده للانجليزيه اجاده تامه و يفضل ان تكون من خريجي تربيه ,اداب اقسام اللغه الانجليزيه ,علوم او تجاره قسم اللغه الانجليزيه.
company: المرتب محدود
الرد على الهاتف ، ارسال واستقبال المراسلات اليومية ، جمع المعلومات والحفاظ على قاعدة البيانات ،ترتيب وتأكيد المواعيد ،إنشاء وصيانة نظم الملفات .
على دراية كاملة باستخدام اجهزة المكتب كمبيوتر ، فاكس .. الخ ، مهارة التعامل مع الاخرين زملاء ، عملاء ، مهارة الاتصال .
مرتب ثابت + مكافئات .
company: مميزة
مطلوب محررين صحفيين رياضيين مصريين لأحد أبرز المواقع الرياضية
يشترط التفرغ والقدرة على الصياغة وأن يكون المتقدم مغرم بالعمل في المواقع الرياضية
على من يجد في نفسه الرغبة ارسال السيرة الذاتية على إيميل
company: مميزة
مطلوب لشركة برمجيات سعودية
مدير مبيعات خبرة في المجال
قادر على تكوين فريق مبيعات
ومطلوب عدد 2 مندوب مبيعات خبرة في مجال تسويق البرمجيات والمواقع الإلكترونية
راتب وعمولة مميزة
company: فرصة دخل إضافي لمندوب المبيعات القاهرة والجيزة
مطلوب مندوب مبيعات للعمل بالقطعه في القاهرة للتسويق لشركة برمجيات سعودية
عمولة مميزة
يرجي إسال السيرة الذاتية بجانب توضيح
عنوان السكن

An American software company is looking for professional Tell Sales with a very good package for details call:
010 211 6933
send me your cv on the following mail and write the name of the group in the subject
Need urgently for Qatar
Job title : lawyer
Gender : male
Country of Nationality : Egypt
Experience: Min 5 years
...Job Description: experience in Civil law cases, firms’ law and labor issues in front of Courts, procurers of establishment and liquidation for companies & organization. English language proficiency & computer .
Additional Requirements: Graduated from faculty of Law – English Section. Kindly mention the position applied on in the subject of the mail : Merge.job@gmail.com
A Multinational Company on Cairo has the following position:
Job title: HR Generalist:

Job Description:
· Responsible for all human resource activities to include employment, compensation, labor relations, benefits, and training and development.
· Interview job applicants; review application/resume; evaluate applicant skills and make recommendations regarding applicant's qualifications.
· Prepare and maintain company salary structure, job documentation, and job evaluation systems.
· Complete salary survey questionnaires.
· Prepare process and distribute payroll.
· Design and conduct new employee orientations.
· Administer and explain benefits to employees, serve as liaison between employees and insurance carriers.
· Recommend, develop and schedule training and development courses.
· Provide advice, assistance and follow-up on company policies, procedures, and documentation.
· Coordinate the resolution of specific policy-related and procedural problems and inquiries.
· Recommend, develop and maintain human resource data bases, computer software systems, and manual filing systems.


· Successful applicant will need to have at least 3 years experience in the recruitment industry, or come from an HR background.
· Excellent in both of written and spoken English.

* Experience using Microsoft software, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word.
* Ability to work well within a matrix organization and limited supervision.
* Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
* Team-leadership, teamwork, organization and planning.

Apply online at www.mfnco.com

company: من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
مطلوب محاسبين خبرة 5 سنوات راتب 2000 ريال بالرياض ومدير حاسبات خبرة 12 سنة راتب 3000 ريال للاتصال ايميل
company: من جروب وظائف الأسكندرية
للسعودية شركة رائدة بجدة تطلب مهندسين مدنى خبرة اربع سنوات بالطرق راتب اساسى 7000 ريال اساسى + البدلات للاتصال 0140932255 والايميل
A leading Kuwaiti Industrial Company dealing with Oil & Gas is Looking for Marketing Manager who has the experience in Oil & Gaz Sector

manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising and promotional staff and activities

Preferred Nationality: Lebanese
Years of experience: 5 - 8

more details...

Please send your CV to:
Employer Americana Group
Job Title Executive Secretary
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description 1. Meet the manager’s requests, needs, type and circulate them to the different departments to be implemented. Follow up the implementation process and then report to the manager. 2. Organize and distribute internal / external mail and correspondence and to the different departments. 3. Prepares meetings, type and circulate the agenda. 4. Prepare meetings’ lists that include stationers, refreshments, etc. 5. Screen manager’s calls schedule and follow up his appointments. 6. Responsible for continuous supply of stationary for the office. Maintain the office general image, maintenance, and cleanliness. 7. Screen daily newspapers and submit a daily summary of the most important news. 8. Perform other duties - outside his span of responsibilities - if required by the manager. 9. Type letters, correspondences and reports. 10. Establish a filing system that includes all the company’s activities and the supportive departments. Gather, classify, prepare and provide needed data and information for the annual plans and preparation (whether it is long or short-term plans).
Qualifications 1. B.A or B.Sc. from a recognized university. 2. At least 1 year of experience as a secretary in an industrial company. 3. Excellent command of the English language. 4. Excellent computer skills. 5. Good Communication skills. 6. Ability to analyze and develop plans that achieve objectives.
Gender Female
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Sally Hosny
Job Contact Email Kindly fill in online application www.americana-group.net
Employer KPMG Hazem Hassan
Job Title Receptionist
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description •Greet persons entering the firm, determine nature and purpose of visit, and direct them to specific destinations. •Responsible for daily mails for the whole firm. •Responsible for all kinds of courier mails for the whole firm. •Receiving all correspondence coming from outside the firm and forwarded to the concerned group or person (For correspondence delivered by hand). •Responsible for all General Assemblies, both ordinary and non-ordinary, for the all companies that the firm is its auditor.
Qualifications • B.A. or B.S. Degree. • Very Good PC skills. • Very Good English language. • Presentable. • Ability to work under pressure.
Gender Female
Experience 0 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly Send your CV and quote the following reference in the subject field (REC001)
Job Contact Person Recruitment Team
Job Contact Email jobs@kpmg.com
Job Title Senior Safety Engineer (H&S)
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Prepare all the requested documents to set up a new project Such as safety plan, safety manual, method statement including lifting plan, risk assessment and other. • Attending all meetings as weekly safety meeting, general meeting, walk through meeting. • Making and preparing all environmental documents as environmental register, Environmental manual • Have the ability to make a Risk Assessment for all activities. • Submit all documentations according to administration requirements.
Qualifications not less than 5 years experience with 2 years experience in safety in manufacturing. OSHA COURS • ISO 14001 • ISO 14000 • ISO 9001 • NIOSH course Courses is an add value. *Total year of experience at least from 7 up to 15 years *experience as Safety Manager is an add value.
Gender Any
Education major Engineering
Experience 6 - 9 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments kindly write the job code and title in the subject.
Job Contact Person Ahmed Ali
Job Contact Email aali.recruitment@gmail.com
Employer Tamir Financial & Real Estate Marketing
Job Title Financial Products Sales Team Leader
Languages Very Good Command of English language .
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Deliver the team sales target.-Deliver the required volume of effective coaching .- Supervises the day to day operation and sales activities of a team . - Manages & motivate the sales team & quality performance of a team .- Creates a clear direction for employees by effectively communicating initiatives ,priorities,and company strategy .
Qualifications - Minimum of 5 years work experience in sales field . - Banking or real estate background is a must. - Ability to lead & manage teams who are goal oriented in a team environment . - Good managerial,operational ,and organizational skills. - Team oriented . - Sense of integrity & Responsibility .
Gender Any
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills Strong communication & Leadership skills.
Compensations Very competitive benefits package will be offered .
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Please mention the job title in the e-mail subject ;otherwise your CV will not be viewed .
Job Contact Person Ms.Shereen Adel
Job Contact Email shereen.adel@experience-eg.com
Senior Sales Engineer
Job Title Senior Sales Engineer
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description searching for new clients who might benefit from company products or services and maximising customer potential in designated regions; travelling to visit potential clients; developing and growing long-term relationships with customers; managing and interpreting customer requirements - speaking with clients to understand, anticipate and meet their needs; persuading clients that a product or service best satisfies their needs in terms of quality, price and delivery; negotiating tender and contract terms to meet both client and company needs.
Qualifications Mechatronics or Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. Experience 3-6 years
Gender Any
Education major Engineering
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills A technical sales engineer combines technical knowledge with sales skills. The emphasis of the work varies depending on the level of technical knowledge needed to sell products and services and respond effectively to clients’ queries. Clients are usually technical staff from non-retail organisations, such as factories. Product : CNC machines .
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly write the job code and title in the e-mail subject.
Job Contact Person Ahmed Ali
Job Contact Email aali.recruitment@gmail.com
Employer Ultra Group
Job Title Senior Accountant
Languages Excellent command of both written and spoken English.
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Handel all payment issues with our suppliers. Handle purchasing cycle and get price offers, Handle the process of issuing cheques, depositing and withdrawing money to and from the banks, Issue invoices, Follow up on Internet banking the process of depositing, Follow up on the stock level.
Qualifications Bsc of Commerce (English section) International trading issues/importing/legal, awareness and management. Strong verbal and written communication skills. Excellent following up skills.
Gender Male
Education major Accounting/ English
Experience 6 - 9 Years.
Other Skills Very good user of computer, Previous experience in import&export will be preferable
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly mention the job title in the E-mail subject
Job Contact Person Momen Moharam
Job Contact Email job@tedata.net.eg
Employer EVA Cosmetics / EVA Pharma
Job Title Pharmacists
Languages Excellent English Language.
Country Egypt
Job Type Full Time
Description Pharmacists are required to fill different vacancies in the plant. If interested, please send your CV stating the department you want to join in the subject of the e-mail.
Qualifications Fresh Pharmacy graduates or up to 3 years of experience.
Gender Any
Education major Pharmacy
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments E-mails without the position stated as the subject of the e-mail will be disregarded.
Job Contact Person Lydia Alber
Job Contact Email lydia.alber@evapharma.com
تتشرف لجنة الفكر والسلوك بالأمانة العامة للشباب بالحزب الوطنى الديمقراطى بدعوتكم لحضور محاضرة فى التنمية البشرية وذلك يوم الأربعاء الموافق 12 يناير 2011 الساعة 6 مساءاً وتحاضر فيها ( الأستاذه منى القصاص ) وسوف تكون المحاضرة عن طرق تطوير الذات وتغيير الادراك من الادراك السلبى الى الادراك الايجابى .
والدعوة عامة
وذلك بمقر ...الأمانة العامة ل...لشباب فى 2 شارع الشيخ ريحان بجوار قصر عابدين
رئيس اللجنة / المهندس هشام يحيى
ACT - a leading Information & Computer Technology Company that partnering with leading brands like HP, MICROS-FIDELIO, INFOR, MICROSOFT, CISCO, OpenTexT and ORACLE, serves technology for Governments, Corporates, Multinational companies, Hotels & Restaurants, Banks, and Educational Institutions – is looking urgently for the following Position:
Outdoor Collector:
•Bachelor of Commerce from a reputable university.
•From 1-3 years of experience in the same field.
•Accounting background.
•Good command of English language.
•Very good communication, presentation, problem solving & negotiation skills.
*Interested candidates are kindly asked to submit their CVs to “walaa.fouda@yahoo.com”.
*Please mention the job title in the email subject, emails without the job title will not be considered.

Good Luck
مطلوب للسفر للكويت
مهندسين ديكور معمارى
مندوبين مبيعات اثاث
مدير مبيعات
...سكرتير تنفيذى يجيد الانجليزية
مراقب انتاج خبرة فى مجال الفورفرجية
بمرتبات متميزة +عمولة
مكان العمل الشويخ المنطقة الصناعية شركة لوجين للصناعات المعدنية
شروط الوظيفة
يجب على المتقدم ان يكون حاصل على مؤهل عالى
على المتقدم ان يكون مصر وشرط اساسى من ابناء النوبة واسوان
طرق الاتصال
شركة الشيخ للالحاق العمالة المصرية بالخارج
شارع امين سامى امام عمارات العرائس القص العينى - القاهرة
عن طريق الايميل
او على ارقام التليفونات
0109558618 - 27929115 - 27929116
فاكس 2792158

مطلوب على وجه السرعة 20 مندوب مبيعات - 15 مشرف مبيعات خبرة جيدة في المجال براتب يبدا من 600 الي 1200جنية + العمولة +حوافز مجزية في شركة كبري يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بصورة شخصية علي hr.careers@windowslive.com و يجب كتابة كود الوظيفة 070داخل السيرة الذاتية وفي الموضوع
مجموعة صيدليات مشهورة و كبري تطلب لافتتتاح عدد جديد من الفروع
عدد 200صيدلي خبرة وبدون – 100 مساعد صيدلي – 150 عامل مناولة– 200 عامل نظافة
– 200بائع داخل الفروع ( مستحضرات تجميل , ملابس اطفال ) – 200فرد امن
– 150مندوب توصيل ( يفضل من لدية دراجة بخارية )
خبرة وبدون يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بصورة شخصية علي hr.caree...rs@windowslive.com و يجب كتابة كود الوظيفة 050 والتخصص داخل السيرة الذاتية وفي الموضوع
مطلوب علي وجهة السرعة لمجموعة مطاعم عائمة الوظائف التالية :
عدد5 شيف استيوارد الراتب ( 1200 ) - عدد 4 استيوارد الراتب (600)
- عدد7 هاوس كيبنج الراتب (600)
- عدد 5 موظفي مبيعات خبرة في المطاعم العائمة الراتب (850 +العمولة )
- عدد 15 ويتر الراتب (650 + العمولة ) - عدد 5 كافيتريا الراتب (600 + العمولة )
......يرجي ارسال السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بصورة شخصية علي hr.careers@windowslive.com و يجب كتابة كود الوظيفة 060 ومسمي الوظيفة داخل السيرة الذاتية وفي الموضوع
Executive secretary needed for a company in Maadi, 3 yrs of experience min, presentable, English & computer are a must.
If interested send CV & a recent photo to: sylvia.rezk@wadidegla.com
A company needs a civil Engineer " Male only"with minimum 3 years of Experience Must have a car Salary: 4000 L.E
Sites: eltagamo3 El5ames & 6th October
Send Your CV on Professional_maadi@yahoo.com With a recent Photo Must Mention " civil Engineer 4 "in the subject


Job Description:
Design a lead development communication schedule, describing the frequency of emails / direct mail drops, and identifying key messaging aspects of each communication.
Continuously tweak and optimize messaging strategies for each lead status.
Execute on-going email and direct mail campaigns designed to maximize conversion.
Work with databases to pull lists and upload records .
Maintain campaign calendar to ensure on-time launch of conversion programs.
Communicate with external vendors to facilitate the creation and implementation of different tasks, such as graphics, email and direct mail creative, printing, mailing, etc.
Coordinate with internal and external audiences to ensure that proper tracking is occurring in order to gauge campaign effectiveness.
Monitor campaign responses, share results with appropriate parties and stakeholders, and conduct sessions to discuss solutions for improving performance.
Update prospect information within the marketing database(s) as the prospects move through the funnel.
Continuously stay abreast with developments and improvements in the lead generation and lead development areas.

Required Skills:
Self starter
Ability to work with multiple teams
Ability to develop a strong point of view often with little information
Strong communication skills, able to develop and articulate a point of view,
ability to multi-task
comfortable with a high level of ambiguity

Required Experience
Minimum 4 years experience

Contact Person: Ms. Nancy Gamal
C.Vs are to be sent to nancy@tanmena.com


Job Description:
Create and deliver instructional-lead training.
Provide day-to-day guidance and logistical support to teams of instructional designers and developers in the creation of learning solutions and provision of consultative services.
Understand “the voice of the client” and interpret requirements effectively for the project teams.
Communicate potential solution costs, schedules, and production implications to clients.
Establish project task lists (work breakdown structure) and schedules and manage to those structures.
Monitor quality assurance on all delivered products. Ensure that all project deliverables are completed on time and within budget.

Required Skills:
Experience with a wide array of learning solutions .
Ability to lead teams towards greater achievement and creativity while maintaining compliance with contracts, processes, and budgets.
Exceptional interpersonal, communication (both written and oral) and organizational skills; the ability to prioritize multiple tasks for yourself and others.
Knowledge of basic financial reporting. Ability to learn Serco financial reporting methodologies.
Follow ethical practices in all business relationships.
Knowledge of eLearning tools and capabilities.

Required Experience

Minimum 7 years experience

Contact Person: Ms. Nancy Gamal
C.Vs are to be sent to nancy@tanmena.com


Job Code 47379
Employer AL Ahly Mortgage Finance
Job Title Administrative Assistant
Languages Fluency in English language written & spoken.
Country Egypt
Job Category Administration
Job Type Full Time
Description -Provide administrative support for various departments/divisions such as answering telephones, assisting visitors and resolving a range of administrative problems and inquiries. -Coordinate with various staff; serve as a liaison between departments and operating units in the resolution of day-to-day administrative problems & assist to ensure smoothness of motions, policies and procedure. -Compose and edit correspondence and memoranda from dictation, verbal direction ; prepare, transcribe, compose, type and distribute agendas and minutes of numerous meetings. -Schedule and co-ordinate meetings, appointments, events and other similar activities for supervisors. -Answer telephones and transfer to appropriate staff member. -Meet and greet clients and visitors and act as a pre-customer service agent. -Maintain office files. -Open and distribute the mail -Perform general duties to include but not limited to: photocopying, faxing, mailing, and filing. -Maintain hard copy and electronic filing system.
Qualifications - Bachelor degree in business administration, or other related field
Gender Female
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Other Skills -Excellent interpersonal & communications skills - Analytical and problem solving Skills- Effective verbal and listening skills -Attention to details and high level of accuracy - Well organized - Computer skills including the Spreadsheet and word-processing programs, and e-mail at a highly proficient level -Excellent time management skills.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments -Kindly Send Your CV with a recent photo,Stating job title in the subject field.
Job Contact Person Mrs. Marwa Khorshid - Head of Human Resources
Job Contact Email hr@amf.com.eg
Job-Contact Information

Career opportunity
A life insurance company (in EGYPT) seeks to recruit
"Insurance Sales Agents-Outdoor-Full time (Males/Females) " JobCode: [INSAGT-2011]
The ideal candidates should be :
- University Graduate.
...- Age between [23-27].
- Cairo Residents ONLY.
- Dynamic, Self driven personality,Excellent communication & Negotiation skills.
- Team player.
- Able to work under stress.
- Presentable & good looking.
- Sales Experience is an "Advantage".
- Preferred owning a car & have a valid driving license.

We offer:

• A challenging career environment with unlimited growth opportunities.
• Professional training.
• An attractive remuneration Scheme.[Commission based]

Please send your résumé/CV along with a PHOTO by email to liferec2010@gmail.com,

ahmed adam

Job Code 47358
Employer Hiteknofal Solutions
Job Title Quality Assurance & Document Controller Specialist
Languages Fluency in English
Country Egypt
Job Category Quality Assurance, Quality Control
Job Type Full Time
Description •Act as QA representative to support the spread of Quality principles among the various company teams. •Issue, control and monitor all company quality system documentation published on the company’s intranet •Manage the company’s master library (technical, vocational, training material, business, law, etc…) •Participate and in some cases manage Quality focus groups to improve the quality management system. •Training and mentoring others on the use of QA tools to improve their everyday work.
Qualifications •Bachelor degree from any discipline
Gender Any
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills Good knowledge of Microsoft Office programs. Ability to work with documents publishing programs such as Photoshop, Visio, Adobe Designer, etc…..
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments *Please mention the job title in the email subject to be considered
Job Contact Person Tamer Kamel - Recruitment & Training Officer
Job Contact Email Hr@hiteknofal.com
Job-Contact Information


Job Code 47357
Employer Raya Holding Group
Job Title Assistant Advisor
Languages •Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Arabic/English.
Country Egypt
Job Category Legal Affairs
Job Type Full Time
Description •Represent the company in dealing with the prosecution, police departments and the courts. •Attending court hearings in all types of cases. •Dealing with all the problems of the branches and calls for help. ••Work on restricted issues against the company and deal with any legal or administrative problem and to address any public servant or persons dealing with the public authority with the company or its employees
Qualifications •BA in law.(Grade v. good) / BA in law English section.(Grade good) •0-2 Years of experience.
Gender Any
Education major Law
Experience 1 - 2 Years.
Other Skills •Very Good PC skills(Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point) •Other studies in Law fields would be an asset. •Communication Skills. •Time Management. •Planning & Organization. •problem solving skills •Attention to detail & Accuracy. •Excellent Legal background
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Interested applicants are kindly request to send their updated CV mentioned title in the subject line.
Job Contact Person Tarek El Bialy
Job Contact Email tarek_elbialy@rayacorp.com
Job-Contact Information


Job Code 47367
Employer Raya Holding Group
Job Title Senior Internal Auditor
Languages Good command of English Language
Country Egypt
Job Category Accounting, Auditing, Finance
Job Type Full Time
Description •Assists in identifying and evaluating Rayas audit risk areas and provides input to the development of the risk-based annual internal audit plan. •Performs audit procedures, including identifying and defining issues, developing criteria, reviewing and analyzing evidence, and documenting client processes and procedures. •Identifies, develops, and documents audit issues and recommendations for improvement using independent judgment concerning areas being reviewed. •Communicates or assists in communicating the results of audit and consulting projects via written reports and oral presentations on a timely basis to management and the board of directors. •Develops and maintains productive team-oriented client and staff relationships through individual contacts and group meetings. •Pursues professional development opportunities, including external and internal training and professional association memberships, and shares information gained with co-workers. •Represents internal auditing on organizational project teams and at management meetings
Qualifications •Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) &/or Certified Public Accountant (CPA). •Bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. •6-8 years of full-time experience in internal auditing &/or external auditing. •Three years of supervisory or project management experience. •A graduate degree in business administration, public administration, or a related field, or a second professional certification in a related area such as IT auditing, fraud auditing, or accounting may substitute for one year of required experience. •Experience in industry auditing, operations, or accounting, and in supervising and conducting audits in information systems and other areas pertinent to the industry
Gender Any
Education major Accounting
Experience 6 - 9 Years.
Other Skills •Considerable skill in effective verbal and written communications, including active listening skills and skill in presenting findings and recommendations for improvement. •Ability to establish and maintain harmonious working relationships with customers, co-workers, staff, and external contacts, and work effectively in a professional team environment. •Considerable skill in negotiating issues and resolving problems. •Skill in conducting quality control reviews of audit work products. •Skill in collecting and analyzing complex data, evaluating information and systems, and drawing logical conclusions. •Extensive skill in planning and project management, and in maintaining composure under pressure while meeting multiple deadlines. •Computer skills, including word processing, spreadsheet, systems documentation, audit packages, and other business software to prepare workpapers, reports, memos, summaries, and analyses
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Comments Kindly write the job title in the subject line of the e-mail
Job Contact Person Tarek El Bialy
Job Contact Email tarek_elbialy@rayacorp.com
Job-Contact Information


Job Code 47337
Employer The American University in Cairo
Job Title Staff Affairs Officer – Human Resources Department
Country Egypt
Job Category Human Resources
Job Type Full Time
Description help staff in Responsible for a wide range of personnel related activities; Appointments, leaves, overtime, HR letters…etc 1. Process, verify, and maintain documentation relating to personnel activities such as, leaves, overtime, HR letters...etc. 2. Explain University personnel policies, and procedures to employees and/or new hires. 3. Create employee files for new hires and keep them updated. 4. Compile and prepare reports and documents pertaining to personnel activities such as: absence, sick leave, annual leave, overtime, and any other required reports. 5. Induct new employees on how to create their identification cards e-mail accounts and bank account. 6. Perform termination process and prepare final settlement for terminated employees. 7. Perform other duties as assigned.
Qualifications Education: • Bachelors degree in Business administration or relevant. Experience: • At least 3 years of relevant experience Skills: • Customer service orientation • SAP knowledge is a plus. • Fluent English language skills. • Strong knowledge of business and management • Critical thinking skill, judgment and decision making.
Gender Any
Experience 3 - 5 Years.
Salary (L.E.) Negotiable
Job Contact Person Doaa Nuwayya
Job Contact Email hrsc1@aucegypt.edu
Job-Contact Information

Brand Manager
• Bachelor’s degree in business related discipline
• 4-7 years experience in the FMCG field
• Very good English

Trade Marketing Manager
• Bachelor’s degree in business related discipline
• 4-7 years experience in the FMCG field
• Very good English

Marketing Manager
• Bachelor’s degree in business related discipline
• 4-7 years experience in the FMCG field
• Very good English

Senior Brand Manager (TE-MK4)
Multinational Company
• 7-8 years of experience
Kindly send your CV to

Thanx alot


Medical & life insurance
• Working 12 hour per day; 2 days off
• At least 3 months experience
Kindly send your CV to :

Share and post jobs to each other

Executive Secretary
Leap Media
• Executive to the Top Management
• Handling office supplies & correspondences
• Excellent command of written and spoken English
• Excellent computer skills
• High level of communication skills
8 Years of experience
Kindly send your CV to:

وظائف فى القاهرة – صيدلية بالزيتون تطلب مساعد صيدلى ( لايشترط الذو خبرة ) للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌26338492 26423943 8147452/012

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لشركة فى المعادى موظفات خدمة عملاء ( كول سنتر ) فترة من 1 ظهرا حتى 10 مساء بمرتب 1000ج للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على0147148482

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب سكرتارية إستقبال من الجنسين لكبرى مراكز التدريب فى مصر الجديدة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌26399350 22400782 2630001/011

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لشركة كبرى تعمل فى الديكور مؤهلات عليا طموحين شباب من الجنسين مرتبات مجزية الاتصال السبت للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على19755

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب آنسه ملتزمه و متفرغه لتدريس منهج KG تجيد اللغه الانجليزية يومياً من 5 م: 8 م يفضل سكان م. نصر او الجولف للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌3054411/011 2420209/012

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب صيدلي صيدلانية فترة مسائية لصيدلية بعين شمس بين شارعي احمد عصمت و ابراهيم عبد الرازق للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌26420754 1832488/010

مطلوب عاملة نظافة نشيطة امينة مقيمة او غير للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌7646726/012

مطلوب مربية فقط لطفلة 7 سنوات حسنة الشكل يشترط الاقامة والسن من 20: 28سنة والتفرغ مرتب مغر للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌8731783/018

مطلوب عاملات و عمال لتعبئة مواد غذائية يشترط قرب السكن و الالتزام لا يشترط المؤهل 6 ش سيجوات حدائق حلوان للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌5742830/010 23718182

مطلوب عمال توصيل لصيدلية بالدقي جميع الورديات بموتوسيكل وبدون بمرتب مجز للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌37615458

لأسرة محترمة و ملتزمه من فردين م. نصر و لا يوجد اطفال عامله مقيمه تجيد القراءة و الكتابه يفضل الالتزام لا للوسطاء للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌9400031/017 0453531/012

مطلوب لأسرة بمدينة القاهرة سائق نوبى السن فوق 45 سنة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌1908637/010

مطلوب عمال نظافة للعمل بمحل هدايا بمدينة نصر والمهندسين للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌9006626/011 1997218/010

مطلوب عاجلا لأسرة امير سعودى ليس لمكتب ( بمرتب 4400جنيه مصرى) عاملات نظافه تجيد ج. الاعمال المنزليه و رعايه الاطفال و ر. المسنين للعمل بمدينة القاهرة و شرم الشيخ للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على( 23907830 7510571/019 )

مطلوب سائق ملاكى نوبى لا يقل عن 45 سنة من قاطنى الجيزة و أكتوبر للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌6600535/010

مطلوب لطبيب مشهور عاملة نظافه مقيمه سن من 18: 30 سنه راتب 1750جنيه مصرى يشترط الامانه والالتزام للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌3347216/014 0143346094

مطلوب للتعيين بشركة كبرى عمال نظافة قسم الاشراف الداخلي بالفنادق بمرتب يبدأ من 750ج 15 ش احمد عرابي المهندسين دور 6 للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على9/8/33443607 للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌9235517/016 0102613557 5153360/010

مطلوب عمال نظافة لشركة بالمهندسين اقامة للمغتربين مرتبات مجزية 6 اسماعيل الجبرول الصحفيين بجوار مستشفى سوزان مبارك للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌5538658/016 33045615 5538661/016 33479551

مطلوب لاسرة خليجية فتاة تجيد الطهي والاعمال المنزلية ورعاية المسنين والاطفال براتب شهري 3700جنيه مصرى للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌3521715/019 9469685/011
وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب سكرتيرات للعمل كمساعدات أطباء لمركز طب أسنان بمصر الجديد ذو خبرة أو بدون للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌5072508/010 26326122

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب إصطاف كامل لمطعم أسماك تيك أواى بالجيزة يشترط الذو خبرة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌37713466 778815/016

وظائف فى القاهرة – لشركة دعاية واعلان تطلب عاجلا مندوبى مبيعات من الجنسين مؤهلات عليا اجادة الكمبيوتر و الانترنت للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌33887053 0100500625 33887054

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب مدرسات لغة انجليزية يفضل الاجانب ذو خبرة لحضانة بالدقى للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌1107497/011

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب طبيبات حديثى التخرج للعمل بمركز طبى بالعجوزة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌6664224/017

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب ممرضات للعمل بمركز طبى بالعجوزة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌6664224/017

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب صيادلة لفترة مسائية بصيدلية بمنيل الروضة للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌25324867

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لصيدليه كبرى فى مصر الجديدة مساعد صيدلى للفترة المسائية للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌22416220 0912712/019

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب افراد امن لابراج سكنية م نصر بالاقامة 850جنيه مصرى للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌22754506 22754724

وظائف فى القاهرة – ادارة قرية سياحية بالهرم تطلب شباب م متوسطة و عليا من الجنسين خبرة وبدون بنظام تايم شير بمرتبات و حوافز مغرية يشترط المظهر السن 18: 30 المقابلة: 103 ش الهرم بجوار فندق جوهرة الأهرام الدور الاول

تعلن شركة دمادا و مقرها 102 مكرم عبيد مدينة نصر
عن 8 فرص عمل للانثات
السن من 20 الى 35
فى مجال المبيعات
مرتب مجزى+عموله+حوافز+مكافأت
…عقود و تِأمينات
يشطرط حسن المظهر
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية الى

وظائف فى القاهرة – شركة فى مصر الجديدة تطلب كاشير ذو خبرة فى استخدام الكمبيوتر للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌1877700/010 26905215

وظائف فى القاهرة – شركة استثمارية تطلب سكرتيرة تجيد اللغة الانجليزية والكمبيوتر ذو خبرة لاتقل عن 3 سنوات فى اعمال السكرتارية مرتب مغرى للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌3604889/016

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لشركة اجنبية لفرعها بالمهندسين موظفين مبيعات راتب 3100جنيه مصرى يشترط وجود سيارة الاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا علىالخميس من 8 ص: 4 م للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌33358528 0140667760

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لشركة كبري فني سنترالات الاتصال حتى يوم الخميس 13 يناير للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌24174102 1728466/010

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب مدرسة لغة انجليزية لحضانة فى مصر الجديدة لا يشترط مؤهل عالي و يشترط خريجي مدارس لغات للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌1906513/010

وظائف فى القاهرة – لشركة مقاولات بالدقى مطلوب سائقين رخصة مهنية للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌37481586

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب صيادله فترة مسائيه من ( 6 م: 1 صباحاً ) و من ( 1 ص: 9 صباحاً ) لصيدليه بجوار كارفور المعادى يفضل ساكنى المعادى و المعراج للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌29179678 0094314/010

وظائف فى القاهرة – مطلوب لمركز تجميل و اتيليه كوافيرة ذو خبرة و بدون ذو خبرة مرتب مجزى للاتصال من 10 صباحاً حتى 12 مساء للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌7030162/010 4766671/017

وظائف فى القاهرة – لمكتب يعمل بمشروعات دولية مهندس معمارى ذو خبرة متميزة و إجادة للعمل على 3D Max V. Ray ترسل السيرة الذاتية على info@adeemconsult.com

وظائف فى القاهرة – شركة مطاعم عالميه تطلب شباب لتحضير الساندويتشات لفروعها يشترط ذو مظهر انيق وحسن الاتصال من 9 صباحاً: 5 مساءاً للاستعلام عن الوظيفة اتصل بنا على‌22676364 0389191/010 6638979/016

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. مطلوب موظف في مرتبة باحث للعمل في شركة ابحاث تسويقية في الرياض ، السعودية
    بكالوريويس تسويق
    لغة انجليزية
    اجادة تطبيقات الوينوز
    العمر لايتجاوز ثلاثون عاماً
    امل ارسال السيرة الذاتية على الايميل send4m@gmail.com
