الأربعاء، 22 ديسمبر 2010

One of the market leaders, looking for superior talented Engineers in both sales and production to support the company mission of success

- Position :Sales Engineer –Code : SE-SN-01
- Position : Production Engineer-Code : PE-SN-01

Applicant must have real experience in one of the following fields ,,,
1) Railroad ties (Railroad sleepers) “فلنكات السكة الحديد “
2) Hollow Core Slabs
3) Calcium oxide “اكسيد الكالسيوم “
4) calcium carbide “كربيد الكالسيوم “

Interested candidates, please send your recent resume to : hr.aymanshehata@gmail.com

Please mention job code & field of experience in the e-mail Subject

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