الاثنين، 27 سبتمبر 2010

Oracle Developer

Company Name ماستر لإلحاق العمالة
Job Field Database Administration
Job Type Full Time
Job Description For ISOFT Emirates(www.isoft.ae) for Abu Dhabi Projects •Experience of 3 years in designing, developing and implementing web solutions Software Development Life Cycle knowledge with emphasis on Oracle Custom Development Method 1.Software Development Framework experience 2.Relational Modeling Techniques including Data Modeling and Modules design 3.Client-Server Applications Development 4.N-Tier Applications Deployment 5.Oracle9i Development Suite a.Oracle Forms Developer b.Oracle Reports Developer 6.Development tools/languages experience including: SQL, PL/SQL
Job Location United Arab Emirates
Offered Salary Not Determined
Submission Date 26/9/2010
Valid Untill 30/9/2010

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